, !

"Sister Qingqing, how am I? Is it about to die?"

The husband and wife Mai asked in a low voice, looking very calm.

"It's not bad, after taking my medicine, you will feel better, don't think about it." Ye Qingqing smiled and comforted, not feeling well.

Although she was accustomed to accepting death, it was really hard to see such a young girl who had not yet bloomed and was about to wither.

The husband and wife Mai smiled shyly, "Thank you, Sister Qingqing, I will try my best to live."

Ye Qingqing smiled again and winked at his wife and husband Mu Nan.

The husband and wife Mu Nan was stunned, but he was calm on the outside, and he even kissed Ma Yi's forehead before leaving the room. After a while, the husband and wife and the eldest son also came out.

"Mai is asleep, let's go down and talk." The wife and wife said calmly, but her eyes were faintly red, thinking that she had cried again just now.

A few people went downstairs, Lu Mo was always downstairs, he glanced at Ye Qingqing, his eyes were meaningful, Ye Qingqing's heart skipped a beat, she knew that Lu Mo must have found out, but it is inconvenient to say now.

Could it be that the husband and wife Mu Nan's family really have a problem?

"Divine Doctor Ye, how is Mai... how is she?" Husband and wife Mu Nan asked with difficulty.

His parents and brother also looked at her expectantly. Their concern for her daughter and sister was beyond words. It must have come from the bottom of her heart. Ye Qingqing felt their panic and worry. more curious.

"I'm sorry, I really can't do anything about Miss Mai's situation, it's too late."

Ye Qingqing told the truth, if you can't do it, you can't do it, there's no need to lie.

The face of the husband and wife Mu Nan's family turned pale, and the air was suddenly filled with sadness, and even infected Ye Qingqing, she also felt a heavy heart.

"But I will do my best to prolong Miss Mai's time and reduce her pain." Ye Qingqing said again.

Although she can't cure her husband and wife Mai, she can extend it for a period of time, at least one month to half a year, which is her limit.

"Is there really no way?"

The wife, husband and wife looked sad, her eyes were red, and there were hidden tears. If there were no guests, she would definitely cry.

Ye Qingqing felt uncomfortable, but she couldn't deceive the family, "It's too late, maybe there would have been a solution a few years earlier, but now...Miss Mai's body can't stand any stimulation."

The wife, husband and wife covered their mouths, tears streaming down her cheeks, one could see the grief she forcibly restrained.

Ye Qingqing sighed silently and comforted: "I will do my best to reduce Miss Mai's pain and prolong her life. With luck, Miss Mai should be able to last for a few more months."

The wife, husband and family looked happy. The doctor who had treated Mai for nearly ten years said that Mai can only last for a month at most, or even less. Now this genius doctor from China says that it can be extended for a few months, which is tantamount to darkness. The dawn in China gave them more hope.

Maybe there will be a miracle in a few months!

They shouldn't lose faith.

"Please God Doctor Ye."

The whole family bowed to Ye Qingqing with a sincere expression.

"Get up, Mu Nanjun and my brother are good friends. I will definitely try my best. Don't be too polite." Ye Qingqing is not used to the big gifts from this country. No.

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