Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2690: don't live like a man

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After an hour of quick shopping, Ye Qingqing bought a bunch of beautiful clothes for Lin Baiwei, as well as a few fashionable shoes and bags. They are not particularly luxurious brands, but are a few brands that are particularly popular among professional women in Hk. The price will not be outrageously expensive, and Lin Baiwei can completely accept it.

"Enough?" Lin Bai was a little helpless.

It's not that she is distressed about money, but these colors and styles really make her a little unacceptable. She is still used to iron-gray nun clothes. Wearing them makes her feel safe and walks more freely.

"What's enough? How can women dislike too many clothes, and there will always be one less piece of clothing in the wardrobe. This is the correct way to open a woman's wardrobe. Don't make a sound, I promise not to disappoint you."

Ye Qingqing glared and asked Zhou Yueyun to put Lin Baiwei aside. She just measured Lin Baiwei's size, and she didn't need to try it. 15% off, you can save a lot of money.

The two shop assistants followed Ye Qingqing respectfully. They wished that all customers could be as self-conscious as Ye Qingqing. Women's wardrobes are always missing one piece. If they all think like Lin Baiwei, Where do their bonus wages come from?

"This one, that one...and that one...all packed and sent to this address in a while." Ye Qingqing emptied half of the store's container just like she pointed at Jiangshan. The clothes of this brand are very fashionable. , and the color is particularly pink, very popular in recent years, but there is no branch in the inland, you can only buy it here.


The two shop assistants were overjoyed. Tonight's order was enough for them to go to Europe for a vacation. If they could meet such a big client every day, they would be able to provide their own room.

After purchasing more than a dozen sets of clothes, as well as bags and shoes, Ye Qingqing went to the cosmetics counter again. Zhou Yueyun and Lin Baiwei followed behind, both distressed and envious of Ye Qingqing's prodigal consumption style.

A woman who can consume so recklessly can never be cultivated overnight. Not only does her husband have to be rich, but also her parents need to be able to do it.

A girl who has been struggling since she was a child, even if she married into a wealthy family and cultivated a petty family temperament at a young age, it is impossible to change it in a short period of time. Like Zhou Yueyun herself, she is now spending a lot more loosely than before.

But when it comes to spending money for her child or buying clothes for herself, she can accept less than 1,000 yuan. Once it exceeds 1,000 yuan, she will feel distressed and feel that it is not worthwhile.

But the clothes and shoes that Ye Qingqing bought just now, the cheapest ones cost more than a thousand, and the expensive ones are several thousand, and they are gone in less than a hundred thousand in an hour.

"The color of your lipstick is too solemn. Although you can't use a color that is too surname/// when you go to work, don't paint it like a grandmother, and if a female executive is fashionable and beautiful, it is actually conducive to her career development. Don't live like a man, you have to give full play to the advantages of your woman, what are you doing compared to a man? You are better than others? You have to be more enchanting and charming than men, you know?"

Ye Qingqing talked a lot. If Lin Baiwei was really a woman, she would definitely not say that, but Lin Baiwei is not. This woman can't even scold people. I really don't know how she is in the wolf pack of foreign companies Stand out and be an executive?

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