Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2693: Start a business

Du Guoqiang's complexion changed slightly. Zhou Yueyun's words reminded him of the hardships when his son was first born. In the initial stage of the company, he set up a small machinery factory and acquired two lathes. Some large factories were not able to survive in time, and some small processing factories would be forced to do so. help with processing.

After he and Zhou Yueyun worked in the nail factory, they went to work in the machinery factory. He worked on the lathe, and Zhou Yueyun worked on the milling machine. Although the salary was not as good as that in the nail factory, they might learn techniques. It's better to learn techniques while you're young.

So when they saw that a large machinery factory in the industrial zone was recruiting apprentices, they both applied for the job together. They could only earn 500 yuan for apprenticeships in the first year, barely making a living. Fortunately, the two of them had some savings in the nail factory. It also provides dormitories, which saves rent. Two thousand yuan for two people can still save some money by eating in the cafeteria.

This year, in order to learn more from the master, he and Zhou Yueyun helped the master to wash the work clothes when they were free. The master did not need to say about the hygiene of the machines and workbenches. They cleaned every day and the parts were neatly arranged. together.

And it was a coincidence that the lathe master he worshiped and the milling master Zhou Yueyun worshipped were exactly the same couple, and these two couples were not very good-natured, they belonged to difficult people, but they were stunned by them. Temperament, after that, it was considered to be imparted to them, and they gave them a lot of advice.

A year later, he and Zhou Yueyun became regular workers. The wages are calculated by piece. They have good skills and are willing to endure hardships. In many cases, the two of them can earn less than 10,000 yuan a month together, which is still ten years ago.

The house where Andy and his family lived in was actually their second home. Before that, there was a smaller set, which they earned when they were in the machinery factory. After saving enough for the down payment, they bought a house. It stands to reason that they have a firm foothold in the big city and can slow down and consider having children.

But Du Guoqiang is still not reconciled. He wants to create a better life for his wife and children, instead of being satisfied with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. Although his culture is not high, he is flexible and has a good reputation in the factory. When I went back to dinner with the workshop director, the workshop director complained that the task could not be completed, the manpower arrangement was not enough, and the level of the small processing factory outside was not very good. Several times the parts were processed badly, and the quality inspection department criticized their workshop several times. .

"It would be nice if there was a reliable small processing factory. Let them process some small parts, which can save a lot of trouble." The workshop director said at the time.

Du Guoqiang took it in his mind and began to start thinking about it. He and Zhou Yueyun's technology must be no problem. If they can win all the small parts of this big factory, the money they earn will be much better than the two of them working part-time.

Moreover, he will be able to do business again in the future. There are quite a few machinery factories in the industrial zone. As long as he can afford three or four of them, he will definitely have no problem earning three or four hundred thousand a year, or even more.

The more Du Guoqiang thought about it, the more excited he became. He was almost crazy, but capital was a problem. He put all his money on the house. Even if he only bought two broken machine tools, it would cost hundreds of thousands of yuan. , the cost is at least 170,000 to 80,000 yuan less.

Zhou Yueyun did not agree to sell the house at first. She was afraid that the bamboo basket would be empty and she would not be able to get anything, but Du Guoqiang was determined to do it. She couldn't beat her husband, so she had to agree to sell the house. In addition to the factory, there are tens of thousands left.

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