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That night, the Sang family was also uneasy.

Both Sun Qiuyun and Sang Huaiyuan came back to have dinner with the old lady. With Ye Qingqing's appetizer pills, and Ye Qingqing going over to give her a massage from time to time, the old lady's appetite has been very good recently, she can eat a lot of food every day, and her complexion is natural Also much better.

Sang Huaiyuan is very happy to see his mother's mental health, but his spirit is not very good. Recently, he proposed to build a business center in Pingjiang City. extruded.

Sun Qiuyun seemed to have something on her mind, her brows furrowed, and she had no appetite for food.

The old lady saw it at a glance, thinking that the two couples were in conflict, so she took the initiative to speak to liven up the atmosphere.

"I asked you to do a full-body examination that day, have you done it yet?" the old lady asked her son with concern.

Sang Huaiyuan's expression changed slightly, and he said with a smile, "I'll do it when I have time, I'm really busy now!"

The old lady's face sank and she was very unhappy, "When are you not busy? Today is tomorrow, tomorrow is the day after tomorrow. When can you do it?"

Sang Huaiyuan smiled ingratiatingly, but did not retort, leaving the old lady to reprimand.

Sun Qiuyun couldn't take it anymore and ignored her husband's advice, she said, "Mum, Huaiyuan has already had a physical examination, and the results have come out. His whole body is ill, none of his internal organs are healthy, and the most serious one is the heart. The doctor told him to rest more and not stay up late to work anymore..."

Sang Huaiyuan interrupted his wife displeased, "Don't scare Mom, I'm not that serious, it's just some minor problems!"

"Your body has become a classic car, or is it a small problem? The doctor said that if you work so hard again, you may at any time..."

Sun Qiuyun's eyes were red, and she didn't say more, but the old lady understood, and her heart sank to the bottom. 35xs

She didn't expect her son's health to be so bad. He was only in his early fifties, and he was at a very young age. How could it be so bad?

"Mom, don't listen to Qiuyun's alarmist words, I just didn't rest well, as long as I rest well, I'll be fine." Sang Huaiyuan comforted the old lady and looked at his wife with a warning, but Sun Qiuyun ignored him.

"Mum, this is the result of the medical examination, you can take a look."

Sun Qiuyun took out the medical report from the bag and handed it to the old lady. Since she couldn't persuade her husband, she asked her mother-in-law to persuade her.

The old lady has a rough understanding of medicine and theory, and she can understand why Sun Qiuyun is so angry just by looking at it. Sang Huaiyuan's body is worse than she imagined, and none of the indicators are up to the standard.

Just like a classic car riddled with holes, it could fall apart at any time.

"I advise Huaiyuan to resign the vice mayor, or not to focus on the economy, but on culture and education. I don't want to be rich and noble now, I just want my family to be safe and healthy, but Huaiyuan just doesn't listen..."

Sun Qiuyun was angry and sad again, tears streaming down her cheeks.

The old lady's body is like this, if her husband falls again, what should she do!

"Don't cry, it's Huaiyuan's fault, Mom told him!"

The old lady glared at Sang Huaiyuan and comforted her daughter-in-law softly. Sun Qiuyun gradually stopped crying. She was a little embarrassed. She was so old and cried like a child, which was too embarrassing.

"Huaiyuan, can't you really quit your current job? Mom, like Qiuyun, just wants you to be safe and healthy, even if you're a commoner, it's fine." The old lady sighed.

She has enjoyed the wealth and honor. In fact, that's how it is. The most important thing is that the family can be reunited and the health is good. The rest is not important.

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