Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 2996: cruel punishment


"Go out, it's uncomfortable to stay here."

Ye Qingqing lost interest in Wandu Cave. When he didn't see it, he always thought about it. Now that he finally saw it, he was a little disinterested and would not come to see it again in the future.

Zhu Zi snorted softly and told Xiaozhu to close the iron gate and return the same way.

Breathing the fresh air, Ye Qingqing felt much more comfortable, and her whole body became more relaxed. Thinking of the tragic situation of Huaxiaolou just now, she couldn't help but tighten her heart. The punishment of Wandu Cave was indeed terrifying, but—

"I remember hearing from you before that there are disciples who stay in Wandu Cave for half a year and won't die, and finally come out. What's going on?" Ye Qingqing couldn't understand.

Just now Hua Xiaolou couldn't resist for five minutes, and instantly turned into a bone. How did the disciple who stayed for half a year do it?

Zhu Zi didn't want to answer this stupid question, she turned her head away without saying a word, and Xiaozhu answered for him, "As long as you take the secret medicine specially made by the gatekeeper in advance, the body will emit a frightening smell, and the poison will not dare to attack him easily."

The little pig paused for a while, and then said: "But if the poison is extremely hungry, it will attack the punished disciple, but it is only a shallow taste, so the disciple who went to the cave to be punished will definitely save his life, but his body is covered with bruises and scars from the bite of the poison. , No matter how good the ointment is, it can't be restored."

Ye Qingqing couldn't help shivering, so many disgusting poisonous insects, even if they didn't come to bite, they would go crazy in the first half of the year, not to mention being bitten by poisonous insects a few times every day.

Xiaozhu added: "Actually, even if you can come out alive, people are basically useless. Many disciples who were punished eventually went crazy, and they changed beyond recognition. They were scarier than ghosts. They died a few years after they came out."

Therefore, the Wandu Cave is the most severe punishment for the sect. Many disciples who have made mistakes would rather be cut off with a single knife than go to the Wandu Cave to be tortured.

The wind on the top of the mountain is very strong, the sun is abundant, but it still feels cold. I stay at the top of the mountain at night. The house is a stone house. Although it is simple, it is clean and tidy. The food is also very delicious. good stuff.

But Ye Qingqing has no appetite. As soon as he eats, he will think of the scene in Wandu Cave before, goosebumps all over his body, and he has no appetite.

"Drink some mushroom soup."

Lu Mo scooped a bowl of soup for her. It was a wild mushroom freshly collected on the It was very delicious. Ye Qingqing drank half of the bowl while it was still hot and felt more comfortable. Eat more at home.

After eating, Ye Qingqing went to bed and rested, quiet and energetic, and let the piglet take him out for a stroll.

"Brother, how long does it take for the worms in the cave to eat?" Jingjing was still entangled in the poisonous worms in the cave, feeling that they were so pitiful that they couldn't get enough to eat.

"A year or two." Little Pig replied casually.

In fact, when he comes back, he thinks about feeding him, but the time of his return is uncertain, and sometimes he will not come back for three or five years, so the amount of poison in the cave has decreased a lot in recent years.

But the toxicity is getting worse and worse. It is an excellent raw material for Zhu Zi to make poison. Of course, it is indeed a bit pitiful, but nature is like this, the weak eat the strong, and the fittest survive.

Little Pig used to sympathize with the weak, but after traveling for so many years, he understood that his sympathy was too overwhelming, like when he sometimes saw a small animal chased by a lion in the grassland, he would rescue it.

But Zhu Zi scolded him for being stupid, saying that he had destroyed the ecology of the grassland.

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