Ye Qingqing thought for a while and persuaded: "Don't announce your withdrawal for the time being, you have to leave a way out for yourself, you can ignore the ups and downs outside now, and you will hold a press conference after Li Hongming's health is better. Yes, to clarify things, it's okay not to film for a few years, you're not short of money anyway."

Fortunately, it is not yet the Internet age, there are no hateful Internet trolls, and there are no such high moral requirements for celebrities. The private lives of female celebrities in the circle are strictly speaking, how many are really clean and innocent?

Although Dong Siyue is a junior, this can't be changed, but her situation is quite special. She had no other way to go in such a situation at that time. Li Hongming was her only life-saving straw.

The most important thing is that Dong Siyue has been well protected by Li Hongming over the years and has no emotional disputes.

So as long as Dong Siyue can survive this period of time, after the limelight passes, the masses will definitely forget about this matter, and the impact on Dong Siyue will not be too great. At most, her career and income will be affected, but Dong Siyue does not lack this money.

"Actually, there's nothing to clarify. I did become an immoral junior. If everyone scolds me, just scold me. I suffer." Dong Siyue laughed self-deprecatingly.

In recent years, Mrs. Li has become more and more aggressive, and sometimes she will talk to her face to face to make her leave Li Hongming voluntarily, but Dong Siyue will ignore it, and Mrs. Li will still do it. I got down, and I didn't tell Li Hongming.

She only told Mrs. Li that she never thought of taking Mrs. Li's place. As long as Li Hongming let go, she would definitely leave. Dong Siyue was sincere when she said these words, but it wasn't that she could leave if she wanted to. Li Hongming's possession The desire is very strong, he is unwilling to let go, Dong Siyue can't go anywhere, and Li Hongming will ask about everything, too much will be annoying, which is also the main reason why Dong Siyue has the idea of ​​leaving Li Hongming.

But after losing it, I learned to cherish it. After the real breakup, without Li Hongming's control and protection, Dong Siyue became more and more restless after a few days of relaxation. Li Hongming reported.

Only then did she realize that Li Hongming had become a necessity in her life. She couldn't do anything without this man. She was like a kite floating over the city. Can't find where to stay.

Ye Qingqing persuaded: "Although it's not very good to be a junior, isn't your situation different from other people's, you still need to make things clear, and reasonable people will understand you."

"Well, let's wait until Hongming is better."

Dong Siyue nodded. In fact, she still hopes to be taken care of by the fans. She has no regrets about quitting the circle. The only one who feels guilty is the fans who support her. Many of them have been fans of her since she made the first movie. For many years, she quietly left that circle, sorry for those fans, she really needs to explain clearly.

The first course of acupuncture required three days of acupuncture. Ye Qingqing and Xiaozhu had to live in HK. After three days, they returned to Pingjiang, just in time for New Year's Eve. Pingjiang's treatment does not require her to run back and forth.

The next day, Li Hongming's spirit recovered a lot, and he spoke with a little more energy. Dong Siyue and Secretary Wang were relieved.

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