Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3102: keep them from climbing

Lu Ziqun smiled embarrassedly, "I just think they are pitiful. My son is not up to his expectations. He sold the house at such a low price. If he bargained back, he would be a little unbearable."

Ye Qingqing was speechless, she hadn't discovered this girl's Madonna attribute before.

"Sale is a sale. Since they set a price, we can bargain. What's the pity? There are so many poor people in this world. There are still so many children in Africa who can't get enough to eat. At least this family can afford it. Villa, poor ass!"

Lu Ziqun couldn't help nodding his head, "You're right, I committed a second crime just now."

"I see that your IQ has been getting lower and lower since you started working. No, after you married Yu Shaoning, your IQ has dropped significantly, won't Yu Shaoning be brainwashed?" Ye Qingqing really felt strange.

In the past, Lu Ziqun did not say that she was extremely smart, but her IQ was definitely not high, and she had unique opinions on issues. Otherwise, she would not have been admitted to graduate school, and she would not have been able to secure a place in the school.

But now Lu Ziqun not only has low self-esteem, but also reacts half a beat slower than usual, as if his spiritual energy is gone.

Lu Ziqun couldn't help laughing bitterly, laughing at himself: "I just suffered too much. I used to think that although I was not good-looking, I could barely be considered a talented woman, but those men don't look down on my talent at all, they just want to be beautiful. Yes, if you have a house locally, or if your family has money, I can't account for any of these three."

"That's because you didn't meet a good man, and you denied yourself because of some scumbags. You are really stupid. Those people despise you, and you want to live better than them. They despised you before, etc. You have a good life, so that they can't hold you high, you have to have such ambition, don't dress up like a little old lady all day long, okay, go buy a house first, and then teach you how to dress up later, people who say you are ugly are all Blind."

Ye Qingqing scolded for a while, and Lu Ziqun didn't dare to say a word, but the thoughts in his heart changed, and he was faintly excited.

If she has become a winner in life, and the men who despised her in the past, come back to chase after her, she will definitely return what the men have said, and she will be excited when she thinks about it.

The location of the villa is very convenient. It takes seven or eight minutes to walk out of the subway station. The greening and pattern of the community are also very good, and the occupancy rate is also high. Many people in the community are walking around, and there are children.

Sister Chang took them to see the house. There was a small garden, but it was deserted with only some weeds.

"It's only been a year since the renovation, and the auspicious days have been measured. The eighteenth day of the first lunar month is said to be a good day, but something happened to the groom, and the hostess also quit." Big Sister Chang said and opened the door.

The decoration of the house is very elegant, it is not luxurious, and it can be seen that the owner is very tasteful, and Lu Ziqun likes it when he sees it.

"The owner teaches calligraphy. He has held several training courses and earned some money. As a precious son, he bought this villa. The decoration is also made of good materials. After a year, the taste disappeared. You can move in directly after that, six million is really a good deal, Mrs. Lu, you are an old customer, I only recommended it, to tell you the truth, I originally wanted to buy this house myself." Sister Chang is half-truth.

Ye Qingqing smiled and looked at the decoration of each room, it was really quite good, she looked at Lu Ziqun.

Lu Ziqun nodded slightly, expressing his satisfaction.

Ye Qingqing asked directly, "Let's get a real price, my friend really wants to buy it, but he doesn't have that much cash on hand, can it be cheaper?"

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