Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3210: Tang Yuan Yuan Wai (10)


Tiedan was five years old at that time. This child ate a lot and grew strong. He looked like he was seven or eight years old. He was alone on the mountain without crying or making trouble. He squatted on the ground and watched the grasshoppers fight. After I got home, I found out that my youngest son was gone. At that time, I was blessed. I went to the mountain to look for it without asking, and found the quiet iron egg on the mountainside.

After that, Niu Dazhu separated from his three brothers. He is an honest man, but he has a stubborn temper. Even if he sells blood, he has to support his children. Since he is born, he has to support them. can eat.

After the separation, life was even more difficult. The whole family was so hungry that their chests were on their backs, but fortunately they survived. The proudest thing in Niu Dazhu's life was that in the most difficult years, he didn't throw away a single child, he took them all. Raised healthy.

Thinking of the bitter past, Tidanian was filled with emotion. She never dreamed that there would be such an emperor's life now, and it was the most inconspicuous young son who made her and her husband happy.

At that time, I sent Tie Dan to Budui, just wanting him to have a way of life, and I didn't expect the younger son to have any prospects at all.

Because Tiedan was stupid when he was young, he couldn't speak before he was three years old. Everyone said he was a fool, and Tidanian thought he was a little stupid, but no matter how stupid he was, he was still a piece of meat. She didn't dislike it, and Tidanian planned to I want to save some money and marry a daughter-in-law for Tie Dan. I don’t want to pick the appearance. It’s enough to be a woman. Anyway, I can give birth to children for Tie Dan.

Unexpectedly, Tie Dan now not only has great prospects, but also married a beautiful daughter-in-law in a big city. The family is still a big business owner and a college student. Even the son of a college student from the town mayor's family, the wife he married is only a good-looking woman. How can an amazing junior high school student be compared with her Tiedan.

Although Tiedan Niang's opinion on the perfect belly of the dumplings, she is still very proud. After all, the dumplings have given her a lot of faces, and there is no such outstanding daughter-in-law in a hundred miles. Who doesn't envy her!

"That's Tie Dan's filial piety. Auntie, you can't do it if you don't spend it. You see, Tie Dan has brought a carload of filial piety back this trip. You and my Uncle Dazhu can spend all your time." Sister-in-law Juying put Tie Dan back. My mother was so excited that she couldn't find Bei, she really thought that the car was a gift from Tie Dan.

The eyes of the two middle-aged women next to him flickered, and the little abacus began to fiddle. They were Tiedan's two older sisters, the eldest sister Niu Tieying, and the second sister Niu Tiezhi.

Now they have made the idea of ​​that car of treasures, so let's get them some points. Back then, they were little brothers who were hungry to feed themselves, so now they should have something.

The other two women are also thinking carefully. They are Tie Dan's two sisters-in-law, Li Yanqiu, the eldest sister-in-law, and Liu Chuntao, the second sister-in-law. Like the two eldest sisters, the tangyuanyuan and Tiedanniang's birth points are different. Stir less.

Tie Dan's off-road vehicle was driving in front. The two children were in good spirits, but the dumplings looked tired, their waist was about to break, and their buttocks hurt when sitting. Tie Dan put a chair for her and let her lie down, but still Uncomfortable, the mountain road is too bumpy.

"It's almost there, I'll rest when I go back." Tie Dan felt very distressed, and tried to drive slowly, but he planned to repair the road at the entrance of the village, so as to save his daughter-in-law from suffering every time she came back.

"There's no time off, so many things have to be cleaned up." Tang Yuanyuan rubbed her waist, which was painful and sore. This was one of the reasons why she didn't like to go back to her hometown. It was too much trouble to come back.

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