Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3233: face is bigger than butt


"What do they want to do?" Tang Yuanyuan sneered to herself.

It has been three or four years since she had borrowed a hundred thousand to build a new house, and she has not repaid a single penny, and she has not said a single word. Although she did not intend to ask the sisters to repay the money at the beginning, she is really taking advantage of this attitude. There is also a fine of tens of thousands of yuan for the birth of a child. The child is in his teens, and the fine is not mentioned. It is obvious that he does not want to pay it back.

The old debt has not been repaid, and now I want to borrow money again, my face is really big!

"I want to go to the city to buy a villa."

Tang Yuanyuan's eyes widened. She still underestimated the shamelessness of the two sisters. The family was a farmer, and none of them worked seriously, so they actually wanted to go to the city to buy a villa?

Going to the city to make a living, it's not to let Tie Dan raise his mind, his face is really thick.

"Don't pay attention to them." Tang Yuanyuan's face became cold. She doesn't even want to maintain her face now. Shameless people can't let it go, otherwise it will only increase their appetite and become more and more greedy.

"I didn't promise, daughter-in-law, don't be angry."

"You are not allowed to give them a penny in the future, and your eldest brother and the second brother are not allowed to give it. If you give the money behind my back, you can go with them and have a meat pie with me." Yuan was really disgusted and decided to take measures in advance. Do you really think she is easy to bully!

Not only wanting her money, but also giving her a face, she is not cheap.

Don't even think about getting a penny from her in the future!

"I definitely won't give you money. I'll listen to you. My daughter-in-law is not angry anymore, and her chest hurts again." Tie Dan immediately expressed his loyalty.

Moreover, the sister-in-law (Ye Qingqing) said that a good man must listen to his wife's words and not make her angry, otherwise he is a scumbag, and he is not a scumbag.

Tang Yuanyuan is naturally at ease with Tie Dan, and she definitely dare not give money behind her back, but she still has to find a way to plug the gap between her parents-in-law, and she can't shirk in supporting the elderly, but the money she sends to her-in-law is 9 out of 10. They were all deceived by those four families. She didn't take it seriously before, but now she has to take it seriously.

"Let me tell you something, Junjun and Zhuangzhuang are afraid that there is something wrong with their health. You and Yadan will take them to the city hospital for a checkup tomorrow." Tang Yuanyuan instructed.

"What's the problem?" Tie Dan was a little puzzled. UU reading is a little fatter, so it shouldn't be.

"Do you think it's normal to be so fat? You take it for inspection. It's best if it's okay. Get treatment early, and don't harm the child." Tang Yuanyuan rolled her eyes and tucked into the quilt to sleep. She is in a bad mood now and doesn't want to pay attention to the Niu family. Including iron eggs.

Tie Dan closed his mouth and didn't dare to let out the air, so he tiptoed to take a bath, feeling a little dissatisfied with his brothers and sisters.

The night in the mountain village is very quiet, the dumplings sleep well and the spirit is also much better. The breakfast is made by iron egg girl, white porridge with oil cakes, and the leftovers from last night. I specially steamed egg cakes for the children. The cornmeal was adorned with a few bright red dates, and the egg girl beat six eggs. The aroma was overflowing when the pot came out of the pot, and the whole house was filled with the smell of eggs.

"Really tasty."

Meat Bun has no love for oil pancakes, but likes to eat fluffy hair cakes. Iron Egg Girl is very happy, and her granddaughter likes it. It’s worthwhile for her to beat six eggs.

Junjun and Zhuangzhuang came over following the scent. Niu Dazhu looked at them and didn't say a word. The brothers sat down to eat breakfast carelessly.

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