Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3239: 1 word into prophecy

When it was time for lunch, Tie Dan and Ya Dan hadn't come back. The village was more than an hour's drive away from the city. If you go early in the morning, you should be able to come back to have lunch.

"Mother, why aren't Junjun and the others coming back?" Sister-in-law Niu and his sister-in-law also came over.

"I don't know, it's not because of the delay, wait." The egg girl went back to the kitchen to cook. The weather was hot, so I simply made some fried noodles for lunch, cut some shredded cucumbers and mixed it, it was very beautiful Woolen cloth!

"What can I do? It's fast to drive, and it doesn't take so long to buy things, Yuanyuan, please call Tie Dan." Sister-in-law Niu was a little worried about her son.

Tang Yuan Yuan called Tie Dan, and after the connection was very noisy, Tie Dan found a secluded place, and his tone was a little heavy, "Junjun and Zhuangzhuang are not very well, the doctor asked for an examination, took a few tubes of blood, and in the afternoon The results of the two tops will come out, and I will come back three days later to get another test result. If I don’t go back for lunch, I will find a restaurant to eat.”

"Did the doctor tell you what's going on?"

The dumplings were farther away, and now the result is not out, it's better not to let Sister Niu and the others hear it, to save these two unsmart troubles.

"I didn't elaborate, it seems that there is something wrong with the kidneys, and other functions are also suspected to be bad. I have to check from head to toe."

"Okay, don't let your children drink drinks at lunch, and have less meat. I think Junjun and Zhuangzhuang are sick from eating and must lose weight." Tang Yuanyuan frowned. Not a big problem.

"Understood, I won't let them eat."

The doctor also said the same thing. The doctor thought that Tie Dan was the parent, and accused him of not having any common sense. He made the child look like this. The doctor said that the child must lose weight if he wanted to get better, otherwise the situation would be worse.

"Tie Dan, are they on their way?" Sister-in-law Niu asked in a loud voice.

Tang Yuanyuan thought for a while, and then said, "Iron Dan took Junjun and Zhuangzhuang to the hospital for an examination. The results will be available in the afternoon. According to the doctor's tone, the two children have some problems."

"Impossible, Junjun will have a problem, don't curse my son, Junjun is very strong, you tell Tie Dan to come back quickly, the hospital is very unlucky, you will get sick even if you are not sick." Do not believe.

The second sister-in-law Niu is a little more euphemistic than her, but her face is not good-looking, and she accuses: "Iron Dan went to the hospital silently, and the child is not sick and painless. What kind of examination should you do? You city people are very particular about it."

Tang Yuan Yuan was so angry that she laughed. She kindly took the child to check. The two also blamed her for being meddlesome in her own business. It was no wonder that the world didn't want to be a good person. If it wasn't for Tie Dan's face, she would No matter what happened to this family.

"The doctor said that the child has a problem, you are still talking to yourself, can you be more patient than the doctor? I really have to wait for Junjun and Zhuangzhuang to have a big problem. When you cry, there will be some results in the afternoon. It's really sick. Or we can find out at night if we are nosy, Junjun and Zhuangzhuang call me auntie, I can't watch your ignorance harm the children."

Tang Yuan Yuan usually smiles softly and lightly. It is rarely so prosperous. The two sisters were suddenly frightened, and they felt uneasy in their hearts. Could it be that the child is really sick?

Tie Dan can't be fooled and wronged his nephew, can he?

Tang Yuanyuan was so angry that she called Tie Dan again, "When I went to see the doctor in the afternoon to see the results, I recorded everything the doctor said, so as not to let people say that we have bad intentions and harm others."

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