Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3251: kidney transplant


Tang Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, yes, Huoxiang perfume is worse than Huanglian, so I have to teach these two little things a lesson.

Chong Tie Dan winked, Tie Dan held one in each hand, the glutinous rice **** were filled with a spoon, the meat patties were filled in a bowl, and the meat buns were half a bowl.

"I will eat in the mountains in the future, and I will drink such a big bowl when I come back."

Tang Yuanyuan pointed to the big enamel pot in Yadan's hand. The brothers and sisters only felt the wind blowing on their backs and shook their heads vigorously. They won't eat the worms on the mountain anymore, it's so bitter!

After three days, Tie Dan took his two nephews to the hospital to get the results. Brother Niu and second brother Niu both followed, and asked them to listen to what the doctor had to say and be sure.

A thick stack of examination sheets was placed in front of the doctor. It was the same doctor from last time. After he looked at it carefully, his expression was solemn. Sister-in-law Niu raised their hearts in their throats, for fear of hearing the news that they were going to change their waists.

"Take these two children out."

The doctor looked at Jun Jun and Zhuang Zhuang who looked innocent and sympathetic. The two children's bodies were basically unable to return to normal. They were all caused by ignorant parents.

The eyes of the two sisters went dark, and cold sweat broke out all of a sudden, but they didn't dare to ask. They were also like tigers at home.

Ya Dan took Jun Jun Zhuang Zhuang out to play, and the doctor said slowly: "Niu Zhuang Zhuang is more serious, one of his kidneys has lost its function and must be removed by surgery. In fact, if you adults are a little more careful, you will Found the abnormality of the child, he is not fat, but swollen, you can't tell the difference between fat and edema?"

The doctor's eyes were accusing, and he had never seen such a careless parent. Even if he came half a year earlier, Zhuangzhuang's situation would not be so bad, and it was irreversible now.

Mrs. Niu's expression was relieved, and she was no longer so panicked, because it was not her son who was going to have a kidney transplant, indicating that her son was not the most serious one. In times of bad luck, if there was another unfortunate one, he would often get a lot of comfort. Niu This is how my sister-in-law feels now.

The second sister-in-law Niu was like a concubine, unable to stand still, and fell weakly on top of the second brother Niu. The second brother Niu was a real honest person. What to say.

Tie Dan was relatively calm, he was mentally prepared, and it was only one nephew who had a kidney transplant, which was much better than he expected. At first, he thought that both nephews' kidneys were broken, and Zhuangzhuang only had one broken, and the remaining one was. No, it's better than having both broken.

"How is Niu Junjun's condition? How do I need treatment?" Tiedan asked.

"Long-term treatment is needed, the medicine cannot be stopped, regular check-ups every month, let's fight a protracted battle, financial resources and energy need to be paid for a long time, and the usual diet must strictly follow the menu, and don't be as careless as before, parents should be mentally prepared. "The doctor said while looking at Sister-in-law Niu, his eyes stern.

Sister-in-law Niu's coursing disappeared immediately. The medicine could not be stopped, and she had to check regularly every month. How much would it cost?

"Doctor, how long will it take to be cured?" Sister-in-law Niu wanted to know whether it was a life sentence or a fixed term. She hoped that it would be over in a year and a half.

"As I said just now, it's a long-term and protracted battle. Don't think about curing it in a year or two. It's not a process of one or two years for you to harm your children. may also be affected.”

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