Chapter 3346 Loosen

Shi Junjie added: "Think about it, has our family been doing well these years? My younger brother was admitted to university, and my younger sister was admitted to a high school. You and my father, as well as grandpa and grandmother are in good health, and the supermarket business is booming. , my career is also going well, and Shengnan also gave you a big fat grandson, which one is not a good thing?"

"You have only been married for a few years? Maybe you haven't rushed yet!" The cousin still hesitated.

But my heart has loosened a lot. The improvement of the family in these years is obvious. It is very smooth, and the family is prosperous. Nothing bad has happened. My in-laws even rarely catch a cold. No one in the village is envious.

But the deeply ingrained thoughts are not so easy to change, plus the idea of ​​the cousin's niece towards Gao Shengnan, her mouth is still very hard.

"If it's really rushing, how can it be smooth sailing? Do you think it's going to give you a sweet jujube? Just like the ones you mentioned, which one didn't start stumbling as soon as they got married, and I didn't live a smooth life for a day. It's different from Katsuo."

The acquaintance Mo Ruozi, Shi Junjie saw Biao niece's expression, and knew that she was not so conflicted in her heart, but she couldn't save her face, so she said: "Go home first, Biao Uncle and Biao aunt's family are also there, and the dishes are ready-made. Yes, today is Xiaobao's birthday, and you came just in time."

He thought that it might be better for Fang Yanming to help him persuade him.

Anyway, divorce is impossible. The best outcome is that the whole family can talk about it and live with Meimei. The worst outcome is to go back to the past, no big deal.

My cousin's nephew's feelings have changed slightly, and my heart is itching. The eldest grandson, I want to die, and I don't know what she looks like?

Shi Junjie gave the driver 200 yuan, and the extra cost was for the scare fee and parking fee. The driver smiled happily. When they got out of the car, they persuaded in a good voice: "If you have something to say, you can talk about it, don't talk about it. What a stupid thing, auntie, look at how promising your son is, the house here is so expensive that I can't afford it in my whole life!"

My cousin immediately became proud, her back straightened a lot, and her mood was much better. She looked at the environment of the community carefully. Just like the wealthy area on TV, the people who came in and out were all dignitaries. She didn't expect her son to live like this. In a high-end place, the Shi family's ancestral tomb is really smoking.

"You bought this house?"

"Well, I bought it together with Shengnan. Her salary is higher than mine, and the loan is paid together. The decoration cost hundreds of thousands."

Shi Junjie intends to speak well for his daughter-in-law. In fact, he pays more money, and he is also paying the mortgage. He is a man, and it is his responsibility. How can he have any face to let his daughter-in-law repay the The cousin's niece was taken aback. The decoration cost 1 million yuan. At this price, you can buy a luxury big house in the county.

"How much does this house cost?"

"More than 10 million. Katsuo knows the developer, and the price is a lot cheaper. Others will buy more than a million!"

Shi Junjie put the credit on Gao Yongnan again, trying his best to show his goodwill in front of his mother.

My cousin and nephew are stunned in love, with a house of more than ten million yuan, oh my mother, she and the old man can't make so much money in this life, the son is really promising, no, it's a daughter-in-law... but it's really capable!

Unconsciously, the cousin's niece had already regarded Gao Shengnan as her daughter-in-law, but she refused to let go. She had to have a step, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

"Who does my grandson look like?"

After walking for a while, the cousin's niece still couldn't hold back and inquired about her eldest grandson.

(End of this chapter)

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