Chapter 3367 Uncle Fang

"Go home for dinner this weekend."

"Oh, is there anything else, Dad?"

"Where are you? Alone or with friends?" Fang Yanming heard the noise and immediately thought of the mysterious object.

"Eating out with a friend..."

Fang Tongtong wanted to fool the past, but she was still embarrassed. It was fine with Shi Xiaobao in private, and she felt the same as before, but in front of her elders, she felt a little awkward.

"I'm Xiaobao, Uncle Fang." Shi Xiaobao said suddenly, startling Fang Tongtong, and he quickly covered his phone, but Fang Yanming had already heard, "Just say it straight with Xiaobao, what are you talking about as friends, that's alright, Go back early after eating, girls don't stay out too late."

"I'll send Tongtong back." Shi Xiaobao said again, with sly eyes.

Fang Yanming was still at ease with Shi Xiaobao, and hung up after a few more warnings. Fang Tongtong glared fiercely, "Don't let you talk about it, and call me uncle my father, are afraid that the world will not be in chaos!"

"You promised to save me in a hurry. Can't I still call your father-in-law? That's the real mess!" Shi Xiaobao said deliberately.

Fang Tongtong frowned, this is true, but—

"Then you could have been silent just now, so why did you speak up? My parents will definitely be suspicious now." Fang Tongtong rolled her eyes angrily, she wasn't that easy to fool around.

That day, when Shi Xiaobao realized that she was moved by reason and emotion, she reluctantly agreed to help the emergency, but it was just for emergency.

Anyway, she and Shi Xiaobao are not related by blood, and it doesn't matter.

However, what really moved Fang Tongtong was Shi Xiaobao's 'nurture' plan, which included food and drink, guaranteed big fish and big meat, and could order food. Fang Tongtong, who was so poor, agreed without hesitation for too long.

"You have to go see my parents. My parents know, can your parents know? Tongtong, this matter won't be hidden for long." Shi Xiaobao held back his smile and coaxed angrily.

Fang Tongtong suddenly regretted it a little. Her parents were not so fooled by Shi Xiaobao's parents. Thinking of the bombing interrogation that followed, she had a big head and wanted to break the contract.

But she has eaten so much delicious food, she can't spit it out and return it to others, and...she can't bear these delicious food!

" said why you are so unsatisfactory, you can't even find a daughter-in-law, Bai Chang has such a beautiful face." Fang Tongtong glared at the iron.

He's not ugly, he looks like a dog, he's the CEO of the company, he's rich and handsome, so why can't he find a girlfriend?

"Girls are demanding now, and my conditions are too poor." Shi Xiaobao opened his eyes and lied against his conscience.

Fang Tongtong was only worried for a It's time to eat grilled fish again. The only food in the world can't live up to it. Let's talk about the big things later, the food in front of you is the most important.

After Fang Yanming hung up the phone, he said to Mao Fangfei, "Tongtong and Xiaobao are eating out. Xiaobao is really getting more and more promising. He is much better than Laozi... Hey... That's not right..."

Finally reacting with hindsight, Fang Yanming scratched his head, the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

"What's up?"

"Xiaobao called me Uncle Fang just now. Didn't this kid always call me my uncle? Why did he change his words?"

"You heard right?"

"How is it possible, I'm not deaf." Fang Yanming stared angrily, he was still young.

But Mao Fangfei didn't take it to heart, "Maybe I'm drinking, why do I think so much, I want to know who Tongtong's object is now, the rest are just floating clouds!"

(End of this chapter)

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