Chapter 3371 Abducted

"How long have you been with Tongtong?" Mao Fangfei asked again.

Fang Tongtong just wanted to say that she was just in an emergency, but Shi Xiaobao robbed her again, "It's been a long, long time. I've always raised Tongtong as a daughter-in-law. I give her pocket money every month. If she's happy, I'm happy."

"Cough cough..."

After rushing up in one breath, Fang Tongtong almost choked to death, and her eyes widened even more.

It wasn't that Shi Xiaobao said that he had too much money to spend, and that he would be taxed when he saves money abroad, and he was afraid of being stolen or bitten by mice when he kept it at home

In short, after giving countless reasons, Fang Tongtong felt that if she didn't help this guy spend money, she would be rebellious.

Therefore, she spends her time at ease and has no burden at all.

But this guy actually said that he was a daughter-in-law?

She should have known that the money was the daughter-in-law's fund, how could it be spent, at that time she never thought of being Shi Xiaobao's daughter-in-law, she was an aunt!

Bah, bah... Now she doesn't even think about it.

Fang Tongtong blushed with shame, and quickly lowered his head, afraid of being seen by others, Shi Xiaobao raised the corners of his mouth, and he saw it.

Mao Fangfei also saw her daughter's reaction, and the corners of her mouth twitched. It seems that Shi Xiaobao is not self-indulgent, and her daughter is not completely ruthless!

I can only blame Shi Xiaobao for being too treacherous. At the age of 16, he knew that he had to plan ahead and spend money to 'care' her daughter. She was chasing her daughter-in-law, but this cunning boy played the game of development, which was even better.

Shi Junjie silently praised his son. He deserves to be his son. He is better than the blue. He has the style of his past.

"Go back first, and reply to you in a few days." Mao Fangfei said politely.

"Okay, Brother Fang... Don't be angry, in fact, you have to think this way, what kind of friendship is between our two families, decades old friendship, know the bottom line, Shengnan and I have always treated Tongtong as a daughter. Yes, Tongtong comes to my house as if you were in your own house, you just have to be careful, if Xiaobao bullies Tongtong, Shengnan and I will definitely not beat him to death..."

Shi Junjie was eloquent and eloquent, trying to win for his son.

He had already seen that Mao Fangfei had loosened, and Fang Yanming was still holding on, as long as Fang Yanming was persuaded, it would be done!

"Fuck you!"

Fang Yanming could hear it, but now he is annoyed when he sees Shi's family, especially Shi Junjie. Brother Fang is so affectionate. Hmph, he was not so affectionate when he was called cousin.

This **** must have held back the bad water long wanted to push his seniority down, so he encouraged his son to dig his corner, and also blamed his daughter for not living up to expectations, why let Shi Xiaobao be the pig !

Gao Shengnan pulled one with one hand and dragged his husband and son out. This was really shocking enough that the Fang family had to have a buffering process.

"Brother Fang, Sister Fang, let's go!"

Gao Shengnan was smiling, and Mao Fangfei was also smiling, and sent them to the door. The two women exchanged understanding glances, and they felt at ease.

For this marriage, Mao Fangfei is happy to see it happen, but she must first know her daughter's intentions and whether she likes Shi Xiaobao between men and women.

After the Shi family left, Fang Tongtong sat uneasily, wringing both hands, more torment than hanging on the gallows, she scolded Shi Xiaobao to death in her heart, and left this mess to her alone.

Shi Xiaobao sent a message——

"Don't be afraid, just be honest with your heart."

(End of this chapter)

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