Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3391: time and money

Chapter 3380 Time and money are proportional

Li Qiqi's words were fierce, more lethal than the atomic bomb, Yu Anning's eyes were black, his body swayed, and he almost didn't sit still.

Ye Qingqing didn't look good, so she quickly gave her a needle, Yu Anning only then recovered, her face was extremely pale, and her lips were not **** at all.

"Enough, Li Qiqi, do you know what's going on with your mother now? She has cancer, do you know? She almost died, do you know? I can't control your housework, but I managed to take you Mother is rescued, I will not allow you to be mad at her again!"

Ye Qingqing grabbed the phone and scolded it sharply.

Yu Anning may not have the responsibility of being late to accompany her before, but compared to many mothers, she has already done her duty very well.

There is no perfect thing in the world. Time and reward are directly proportional. According to some statistics, elites with an annual salary of more than one million have almost no time to spend with their families. This is normal. The boss of the company speaks based on performance.

Performance cannot fall from the sky in vain, you must put in time and effort to cultivate, in order to be rewarded.

Yu Anning has achieved today's achievements, it can be seen how hard she has worked all these years, and she has developed cancer. This is also the main reason why the sudden death of the elites is increasing, and they are all caused by exhaustion.

On the contrary, those mediocre people who do nothing and do nothing, live a very leisurely life. In today's world, it's too easy to get a full stomach. It can be done for a few thousand dollars, but if you want to get better, it's very difficult to change the class of the next generation. .

Starting from scratch is even more difficult. Yu Anning is a woman who has hundreds of millions of properties with her bare hands. She is stronger than many men, but she has paid a lot more hard work.

"Don't tell her..."

Yu Anning stopped Ye Qingqing, she didn't want to rely on this to win her daughter's pity.

"Don't keep things to yourself, don't say anything, she said, others only see your beautiful side, and think that your current grades have fallen from the sky, even your biological daughter thinks this way, you Think it's great to suffer alone? You're so wrong, you're so wrong, so that's why your daughter is saying this, she has no idea how you got your money!"

Ye Qingqing is also on fire. Many mothers work hard and don't tell their children about their hardships and fatigue, for fear of affecting their children, but if you don't tell them, how can the children understand you?

Maybe he thought you were standing outside making money!

"Who are you? What cancer, don't talk nonsense!"

Li Qiqi shouted on the phone, her voice a little flustered.

In her impression, Yu Anning has always been in a It seems that she never knows how tired she is. As long as she is awake, she will be full of energy. Moreover, in her impression, Yu Anning has never been ill, not even a cold. Haven't had it, how could you suddenly get cancer?

This inexplicable woman must be lying to her, of course.

"I am your mother's friend and her attending doctor. Your mother was afraid of affecting your studies and concealed her condition. When she divorced your father, she had already been diagnosed with advanced gastric cancer. The time has come, that's why she divorced your father, she has been in my treatment for more than half a year, and her condition is relatively stable, but if you are angry with your mother again, you are murdering her!"

Ye Qingqing was really angry. I really didn't expect that Li Qiqi, who was excellent in both character and study, was actually a white-eyed wolf who didn't distinguish right from wrong. Isn't it because Yu Anning didn't spend too much time with her?

But while the girl asked for money, she also complained that she wasn't accompanied enough.

Hehe, if Yu Anning really accompanies Li Qiqi 24 hours a day, this girl will dislike Yu Anning as a scum without a career!

(End of this chapter)

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