Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 3395: The large is abolished and practice the trumpet

Chapter 3384 The large is abolished and the trumpet is practiced

Yu Anning was refreshed, "What can I do?"

She still can't give up on her daughter completely, it would be nice if she could correct her.

Ye Qingqing smiled and said, "I'm just joking, don't take it seriously."

"Listen to what you said, don't make my appetite." Yu Anning became anxious, and said a few words in a hurry.

"It's quite simple, the reason why Li Qiqi bullied you like that is because you have the advantage of only having her one daughter, now it's popular to practice trumpet, but the tuba is useless. Dare to be arrogant, but forget it, don't mess around with your age."

Yu Anning didn't understand, what big and small?

"The big one is the first child, and the small one is the second one. If the older child is disobedient, just give birth to a small child and cultivate it well, and don't expect the big one." Ye Qingqing explained.

Only now did Yu Anning understand, he looked down at himself and hesitated, "I'm forty-seven, how can I still be born."

"So let's stop messing around. Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. Having a baby is too much energy and blood, and it's not good for recovery. By the way, when you and Qi Wenyuan are doing something, you have to take measures not to cause human life. Come." Ye Qingqing reminded.

Yu Anning's face was flushed, and her shy expression was as charming as a girl's. No wonder Qi Wenyuan could not forget it for thirty years.

"You said, do I want to adopt a child?"

Yu Anning was a little moved. Ye Qingqing's words made sense. She made a small stimulus to Li Qiqi to make her understand that she was not the only one, and she should not dare to be so arrogant.

"You and Qi Wenyuan discuss this matter. Don't ask me about the two of you, but I advise you to be careful. First, your health is not that good. Raising children is not cats and dogs. It takes a lot of energy and time. I'm afraid your body can't handle it, and besides, you are now adopting a child on a whim, it's a lifetime thing, you have to be responsible for his life, to put it badly, you're not even responsible for your own daughter!"

Ye Qingqing was not polite, Yu Anning was not a family woman at all, she couldn't raise children well.

Don't harm other people's children.

After being splashed with cold water, Yu Anning calmed down, "You're right, I really can't take care of it well, sigh, I'll talk about it later."

"Everything should be considered after the body recovers. The most important thing now is to take good care of the body. You have to take my medicine on time, and don't be too tired, not only at work, but also in that, understand?"

Ye Qingqing meant something, Yu Anning understood, and her face turned red again.

"Wen Yuan is very considerate of me. He is a doctor himself, he understands all this, and has always been restrained." Yu Anning whispered.

She and Qi Wenyuan have already lived Although they are middle-aged, their relationship is even warmer than when they were young. Moreover, Qi Wenyuan is in good health and often works out, but he doesn't care about that. Not greedy, very considerate of her body.

Ye Qingqing was very happy for Yu Anning. Although Qi Wenyuan was a little more precious, he was indeed a gentleman, and he was careful and considerate. He was also sincere towards Yu Anning, hundreds of times stronger than Li Wensong.

It's a pity that the reunion time is too late. If it is ten years in the morning, maybe there will be another child!

Yu Anning's cell phone rang again. She thought it was Li Qiqi, but she didn't expect it to be her mother.

"Mom, what's the matter?"

"An Ning, your younger brother and sister, she is not a thing, she dares to hit your brother, what kind of thing is she, she even dares to hit a man in the face, and she doesn't even care about your father and me, and the grandson won't let us see it, That's the grandson of our Yu family..."

Yu's mother complained on the phone, chattering, and Yu Anning was very annoying to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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