Chapter 3396 exhaustion

Everyone was shocked by Li Qiqi's sudden foul language. He even called his biological mother by her first name, and even said vulgar words, saying that he was going to sue his biological mother. Qi Wenyuan frowned, and he really couldn't like Li Qiqi in his heart.

In her bones, this girl has Li Wensong's trash genes, and she is a selfish white-eyed wolf.

But she is Yu Anning's biological daughter, Qi Wenyuan can only force himself to like her, but now, he really doesn't want to force himself, and wants to persuade Yu Anning not to waste too much energy on Li Qiqi.

This daughter does not know how to be grateful.

The more you invest, the more damage you take.

Maybe his son Qi Jie is too independent. Qi Wenyuan doesn't take his children too seriously. He firmly believes that everything follows fate. Lovers are like this, parents and children are also like this.

"Li Qiqi, apologize to your mother, what is your attitude, did I teach you this?" Li Jingshan shouted.

He was also very disappointed with his granddaughter. He used to think that he was very well-behaved and sensible, but it was only two months after he was released, and he became the same girl he is now.

"She violated my privacy first, why should I apologize!" Li Qiqi was rebellious and stubborn.

She didn't understand it before, but now she understands that it turns out that children also have the right to privacy. Adults should respect children's privacy. If they violate it, they can sue the adults. This is what her new friend told her. Such.

The most fortunate thing for her is that she came to school here and learned a lot of new things. It was like opening a new world. Li Qiqi was completely released, and she felt more and more that the previous seventeen years had been in vain.

People in country M are called real life. At the age of seventeen, she tried everything, but she was still like a fool and didn't know anything. Fortunately, her new friends were willing to teach her, and she would soon try it all. All kinds of tastes in the world.

"Your privacy is to **** big *promiscuous sex? The school sent you out to learn, to absorb the essence of that place, but you are better, just learn the dross of that place, you think you have a boyfriend and go to nightclubs to **** big *tattoos and fight. Wouldn't it be cool to have nose studs? Li Qiqi, you are wasting your youth, you will regret it one day!"

Yu Anning was I really didn't expect her daughter to become like this, there was no sign at all, she could not accept it.

"At least I'm happier now, a hundred times happier than in China. You don't know anything, so what qualifications do you have to criticize my life? I don't even have the right to blame my friends!"

"Sucking big is of course happy, it can make you want to die, and all the things that tempt people to fall are happy, and it must be hard to work hard. Li Qiqi, you are already seventeen years old, you should plan your future, don't you think? Do you want to be like this for the rest of your life?"

"I don't need you to worry about my future. In short, I will live better than you. I will spend time with her when I have a child, and I will not divorce like you. You have no right to question me, because you are a loser yourself! "

Li Qiqi's words were cruel, his mouth was harder than his ability, Yu Anning's body was trembling with anger, and there was no blood on his face.

Qi Wenyuan was extremely worried, grabbed the phone, and said as gently as possible: "Li Qiqi, I'm not qualified to comment on your affairs, but you already knew that your mother had cancer, so why did you say these heartbreaking words to anger your mother? You Do you really want to **** her off?"

(End of this chapter)

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