Chapter 3424 The risk is too high

"Nowadays, women usually go into menopause in their mid-fifties, and rarely in their forties. Your aunt's irregularities in the past were caused by depression and endocrine disorders," Ye Qingqing said.

No matter a man or a woman, the mood is very important. When a man is depressed, it will also affect the endocrine system and even cause infertility. The most direct consequence of a woman's depressed mood is the disorder of the aunt.

There may even be early menopause.

Yu Anning nodded, "It should be like this, I was in a really bad mood during that time, Auntie started to be abnormal at that time, but this time has become more regular, but it's true that I didn't come this month, and I didn't go there either. Think here."

She still can't believe that she is still pregnant, even though she is five, she and Qi Wenyuan finally have a child.

Seeing Yu Anning's face of ecstasy, Ye Qingqing guessed that she wanted to keep this child, "Do you want to give birth to this child?"

"Of course, I've always been looking forward to having a child with Wen Yuan, and God has heard my heart." Yu Anning replied without hesitation.

It was a godsend, she had to be born.

"But whether your body can withstand the pregnancy in October is a problem. The fetus will absorb nutrients from the mother's body. You have just recovered. It is very likely that the pregnancy will recur because of pregnancy. The most direct consequence is that the size cannot be maintained."

Although cruel, Ye Qingqing still wanted to speak out.

The smile on Yu Anning's face slowly disappeared. She didn't expect it to be so serious, but she still wanted to give birth to this child.

"If something really happens, can you save the child?"

"Hope is slim, even if a healthy mother gets pregnant and gives birth, her body will suffer greatly. You are both an advanced mother and recovering from a serious illness. No one can guarantee that you will be able to give birth to this child safely, and the disease may recur during pregnancy. "

Ye Qingqing told the truth and added: "Actually, I don't recommend you to have this child. The risk is too great. Even if you really save the little one, how happy do you think a child who has not had a mother since he was a child? Do you think you are You love children, but in fact you are very selfish. If the child has thoughts, maybe he is not willing to give birth!"

Yu Anning's face changed slightly, Ye Qingqing's words hurt her, the reason why Li Qiqi didn't kiss her is because she rarely accompanies her, other people's mothers and daughters are very close, but she and Li Qiqi are like enemies .

Although she has given up her heart for this daughter now, she is in the end.

Ye Qingqing is also right, it is unfair to the child to lose his mother as soon as he is Qi Wenyuan is also unfair.

But she really wants to have a child with Qi Wenyuan!

"Don't Qi Wenyuan know about this? I think you should discuss it with him and make a decision as soon as possible." Ye Qingqing suggested.

Yu Anning nodded, she didn't plan to hide from Qi Wenyuan.

"Qingqing, tell me the truth, what are the chances of this child being born safely?" Yu Anning didn't give up, she wanted to gamble.

"It's hard to say, I can't give you an affirmative answer, it's like a gamble, the odds of winning and losing are equal, but your bet is your life, if you win, you will have a child, and if you lose, your life will be lost. ."

Yu Anning gritted his teeth, still unwilling.

Ye Qingqing persuaded: "You really don't need to gamble with your own life. In fact, even if you can give birth safely, your body will be seriously injured, and you may relapse one day. Your current body is like a glass doll, you must Careful maintenance, not a little bump."

(End of this chapter)

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