Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 440: please taste

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The lips and teeth are attached to each other, and the breaths exhaled can be felt by each other, hot, sweet...

The air was stagnant for a while, and the room seemed to be sound-isolated. It was so quiet that only the breathing sound of the other party could be heard, and the heartbeat like a drum, dong dong dong...

Ye Qingqing was flustered, and Lu Mo was equally confused.

For the rookie Battalion Commander Lu, such a difficult thing as kissing is no less difficult than overcoming the enemy's fortress.

No, it's even harder!

A fort can use a grenade, what can a kiss do?

Lu Mo's mind went blank, he didn't know anything.

Pippi, who was lying on the window sill watching the excitement, shook his paws, shook his head with a tsk tsk, really couldn't stand it any longer, and screamed: "Go in and sprinkle!"

There is a fart to lick outside, and only when you go in will you know if it tastes good or not!

Pippi's cry made Lu Modai go to the top of his head, suddenly enlightened, and stuck out his tongue.

Ye Qingqing's heart beat faster, but she came to her senses earlier than Lu Mo. Although she was a rookie, she had been influenced by a lot of romance and TV dramas in her previous life. She had never eaten pork, and had seen pigs. run!

Pippi mentioned again, Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo reacted almost at the same time, and stuck out their tongue.

Moreover, she was much more direct than Lu Mo, she drove straight in, and even the polite temptation was omitted.

Lu Mo originally wanted to test Ye Qingqing's reaction on the outside, but he finally opened his mouth, and something soft and sweet came in, more delicious than the best dessert. 35xs


The blood rushed to the top of his head, and he could hardly think, but he quickly reacted and let this girl take the lead again!

If not, he has to take the initiative back!

Lu Mo squeezed Ye Qingqing into his arms, no longer cautious, no longer gentlemanly, more wild, tangled in his mouth, madly plundering the girl's unique sweetness.


Ye Qingqing sat weakly on Lu Mo's lap, passively enduring the kiss from the other party, her body was soft as water, unable to think.

It was the first time she had seen such a wild and charming Lu Mo.

The Lu Mo in his memory has always been indifferent and reserved, always on the line rationally, and never lost his mind. Ye Qingqing felt that even if his innocence collapsed, Lu Mo would still have that wooden face.

but now……

Ye Qingqing tried her best to open her eyes, wanting to see what Lu Mo's face was like now, would it be as written in it——

Squinting affectionately, only the heroine is in her eyes...

Just opened it for a while, Lu Moqingyue's slightly hoarse voice sounded, "Close your eyes!"

Seeing nothing, Ye Qingqing closed her eyes obediently, feeling as if her mouth was empty, is Lu Mo kissing enough?

No way?

Don't the domineering presidents in here kiss the heroine so hard that her mouth is swollen, so she reluctantly lets go of the heroine?

Lu Mo only kissed her once. Could it be that her charm is too bad?

Ye Qingqing was thinking wildly and itching, and quietly opened a little slit, all her small movements fell into Lu Mo's eyes.

The corners of Lu Mo's lips lifted slightly, looking at the beautiful face of the girl in front of him greedily, his fingertips gently covered the other's eyelids, preventing Ye Qingqing from opening his eyes.

He didn't dare to look directly at this girl!

Unexplainable reasons.

The girl's taste was sweeter than the one in his dream, like opium, which made him unable to stop, and also caused his body to react so much that Lu Mo didn't dare to kiss him again.

He was afraid that his concentration was getting worse and worse, and he couldn't control his desire.

But what is this girl doing with her mouth so high?

Would you like to taste it?

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