Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 471: Mother and son slander at the same time

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Ye Qingqing passed by Lu Qingquan's mother and son, but she pretended not to see it and ran over without looking sideways. 35xs

Lu Qingquan's heart was sour. Just now, Ye Qingqing and Lu Moqing were kissing me and me. He looked at them, and his eyes could shoot fire.

But he dare not!

Lu Qingquan couldn't help but regret it. When Ye Qingqing was good with him in the past, he had Ye Lan in his heart. Orchid.

He felt that if he was too close to Ye Qingqing, he would be sorry for his Laner!

Because every time he talked to Ye Qingqing a few more words, Laner would secretly cry sadly, which made him feel so distressed, and Lu Qingquan himself enjoyed Ye Qingqing's hospitality to him very much.

No matter how cold he is to Ye Qingqing, no matter how bad his attitude is, Ye Qingqing will not put it above that, treat him well as always, so good that he thinks that in this life, Ye Qingqing will only like him alone, even if Andy Lau appears, Ye Qingqing will not be empathetic.

But the reality slapped him hard!

Andy Lau didn't appear, and it was his disabled cousin who stole Ye Qingqing.

He's been a nemesis since childhood!

damn it!

"Qingqing..." Lu Qingquan called softly. 35xs

Ye Qingqing paused and stopped, Lu Qingquan secretly rejoiced, Ye Qingqing must still have affection for him, and being with Lu Mo, maybe he was mad at him!

"Qingqing, Ye Lan and I have nothing to do with each other. I came here on purpose to leave my relatives today...I..."

Lu Qingquan was busy explaining, but he forgot Tie Dan who was following Ye Qingqing, and he didn't see Tie Dan's black face, which had become even darker, his fists clenched tightly.

The sister-in-law is still here, so she can't do anything, it will frighten the sister-in-law. When the sister-in-law enters the house, she will beat the grandson to death!

Tie Dan endured and endured, almost swiped his fist several times, and pulled it back abruptly.

Ye Qingqing glanced at Lu Qingquan sideways, and sneered contemptuously, "What about you and Ye Lan has nothing to do with me, whether you love it or not, love it, I have always been Lu Mo's fiancée, in this life Yes, come to me and say these **** in the future, or I will sue you for being a hooligan!"

Yue Hongxia was not happy anymore and screamed: "Lu Mo was not at home before, you little fox hooked up with my Qingquan, and I did everything with my son, and now you are still pretending to be innocent!"

Ye Qingqing's face froze, she and Lu Qingquan really had a good time, but they rarely even held hands, let alone other intimate actions, even if they married Lu Qingquan in the previous life, this **** never kissed her. one time.

Yue Hongxia wanted to ruin her reputation in front of Lu Mo!

Insidious and shameless bitches!

"Qingqing, we used to have such a good relationship, it was like glue, just like a loving couple, we just didn't get the certificate..."

Lu Qingquan's face was affectionate, but his eyes were cold. Ye Qingqing, a little slut, dared to turn his face and not recognize anyone, so don't blame him for being fifteen!

Lu Mo is not far in front of him, so he can definitely hear what he said. Humph, he said it for the sake of it, I don't believe that Lu Mo won't have a knot!

Lu Mo can't even think of a woman he can't get!

Ye Qingqing was furious, her hair was about to burn, she looked at Lu Mo subconsciously, worried that he would believe what Lu Qingquan said, but she quickly turned her head and taught the grandson a lesson, and then later Explain to Lu Mo!

"Put your stinky bastard, I'll beat you to death, your rotten-eyed turtle grandson!"

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