Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 488: was hijacked

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Ye Qingqing walked while eating, and the speed was much slower. When she reached the intersection of Fuai, she finished eating the fried rice cakes and stinky tofu. She had all the bamboo sticks in her hands. There was no trash can by the roadside. She was going to take it home. threw.

At 6:30 in the morning, a special person will come to clean up the garbage in Fuai Road, just put the garbage at the door.

One hand was holding five sharp bamboo sticks, and the other was holding a bag of hairy eggs. There were three left, all of which were taken back to the old lady to eat. Her stomach was already distended.

The three punk cats were in the dark, their noses drenched from the cold, but the thought of having a pretty chick soon made them hot and not cold.

The sound of footsteps gradually came, and the three of them were refreshed and stood guard at the entrance of the alley. 35xs

The alleys on Fu'ai Road are like spider webs. Ye Qingqing is walking on the main road, but there are several small alleys on both sides of the main road.

Ye Qingqing didn't notice it, she walked briskly, and she was almost at the door of her house.

But she suddenly tense up and her heart jumped violently, as if something was about to happen, Ye Qingqing hurriedly stopped and looked behind her subconsciously, but there was nothing behind her.

Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe she was too nervous. It was only after eight o'clock, and the lights were on in every house. Even if something really happened, as long as she shouted loudly, someone would definitely come out, and no one should do bad things at this time.


Ye Qingqing had just raised her foot when a hand stretched out from the dark and covered her mouth. The sweat on her hand, and the disgusting smell of sweat rushed into her nose.

But she didn't have time to feel sick, only panic.

She was kidnapped.

And it's still a man!

Ye Qingqing forced herself to calm down, not to panic, to save herself, and never let the bad guys ruin her innocence.

She knew very well that there was no need for the robbers to rob her, a young girl. Nine times out of ten, it was for sex. Ye Qingqing couldn't help but regret not listening to Lu Mo and the old lady.

Both Lu Mo and the old lady told her not to go out at night. She usually doesn't go out, but tonight it was because the pen was broken. She thought that it was only eight o'clock.

But who would have thought that there are such daring bad guys!

Ye Qingqing slowly gathered up her strength and was ready to give the man behind her a blow by surprise. As long as she could scream, the neighbors would definitely hear it!


"Monkey succeeded? Tsk... That kid is right, as expected, Shui Ling, our brothers are blessed!" Another male voice came over.

Ye Qingqing's heart sank, there are actually two!

"Find a secluded place, give her some medicine, and the three of us will have a good time!" Another more lewd--evil voice came.

Ye Qingqing was like falling into an ice cellar. They were three men, and they were repeat offenders.

No, she has to find a way to escape quickly. If these three disgusting men tarnish her innocence, she would rather die!

By the way...she still has room!

Ye Qingqing calmed down quickly, she could still enter the space if it was impossible, but she must not expose the space unless it was absolutely necessary.

She has to find a way to save herself first!

With a retreat, Ye Qingqing no longer felt afraid. She behaved very tame and did not resist, which surprised the three thugs.

"This little girl won't be frightened, she won't move."

"It doesn't matter if she is stupid or not, Shui Ling will do it, give her medicine quickly, I can't wait..."

"Monkey, loosen your hand, I'll feed..."

Ye Qingqing felt that the hand on his mouth moved away, and the man behind him also moved.

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