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"Mum mum, stop, things haven't been figured out yet, don't hit Xiaohua!"

Shen Yanhong rushed forward to protect her son, the old lady's bamboo sticks were slapped on her body, and Shen Yanhong gasped in pain.

"How do you find out, your black-hearted son has colluded with these three hooligans and wants to harm Qingqing. With a vicious mother like you who dares to poison her mother-in-law, you can raise a black-hearted son like him!"

The old lady mentioned the drug use again, and the neighbors were refreshed. Ye Zhiguo said that the old lady had gastroenteritis after eating leftovers. They were dubious. Now it seems that it is Shen Yanhong's ghost!

No wonder Ye Hua is so bad, it turned out to be Shen Yanhong's words and deeds!

I really didn't see it, but Shen Yanhong, who usually looks peaceful and kind, is actually such a vicious person. In the future, you have to be more careful. People who are poisoned behind their backs like this are much more dangerous than those who scold and fight face to face!

Ye Zhiguo frowned, he had already solved the drug application, but the old lady brought it up again, alas... This old lady is not enough to succeed, but more than enough to fail!

After the new year, I will send my mother back to my hometown, and don't come again in the future, it will hinder his important affairs!

"Mum mu, stop beating, you're so angry!" Ye Zhiguo stepped forward to dissuade the old lady, winked at the old lady, and whispered, "Mum mu, don't let your family shame on you!"

The old lady was stunned for a moment and understood what her son meant. In fact, she didn't care whether the scandal of Shen Yanhong's family was publicized or not, but her son said so, of course she had to listen to his son!

Ye Qingqing saw that the old lady accepted the bamboo sticks, and she knew what Ye Zhiguo said. Although the old lady was rude and unreasonable, she listened to her son the most.

Hmph, if Ye Zhiguo wants to relax, he has to ask her!

"Ye Hua, get out of my house, my house won't let you beasts live here!"

Ye Qingqing rushed up, lifted the chair on the ground, gritted her teeth and smashed it down at Ye Hua, Ye Zhiguo would definitely not drive this beast out, she smashed it first!

"Qingqing, stop!" Ye Zhiguo was startled and rushed forward to stop Ye Qingqing.

The chairs at home are all solid wood, how can Ye Hua eat it!

Ye Qingqing ran extremely fast, kicked Shen Yanhong away with one kick, and smashed it down at Ye Hua's shoulder, avoiding her head intentionally!


Ye Hua covered her shoulders and screamed. Her face was as white as paper. Bean-sized sweat dripped down, and her cry became smaller and smaller.

Ye Zhiguo's heart sank to the bottom, and he hurriedly stepped forward to squeeze Ye Hua's downright right hand, only touching it, Ye Hua called out, Ye Zhiguo knew that the bone must be broken, and hated Ye Qingqing in his heart, this girl is too cruel!

"Xiaohua's hand is broken..."

Shen Yanhong also saw that her son was her heart, Ye Hua's hand was broken, it hurt more than her own hand, Shen Yanhong's eyes were red, and rushed towards Ye Qingqing, "You hit my son, I and you Fight!"

Ye Qingqing dexterously dodged, secretly proud, and finally forced this woman to reveal her true colors, what a surprise tonight!

"Your son colluded with hooligans to kill me, and wanted to destroy my innocence. Innocence is more important to a girl than her life. I just interrupted his hand. What's the hurry!"

Others thought that Ye Qingqing was indeed a bit ruthless, but after listening to her, they felt that this was the case, compared to the innocence of the girl's family, what is a hand!

Shen Yanhong has lost her mind, she can't listen at all, she just wants to avenge her son, Ye Qingqing has been bullying too much during this time, she can't bear it anymore!

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