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During this time, Ye Qingqing has been paying attention to Shen Yanhong's menstrual period. According to normal rules, Shen Yanhong should have her period these days, but there is no sanitary napkin that Shen Yanhong replaced in the bathroom. 35xs

Shen Yanhong's health is very good, her periods are very regular, and at most they are delayed or delayed by two to three days. It has now been nearly a week, and there has never been such a long delay before.

There is only one possibility-

Wei Yugang's hard work paid off, and Shen Yanhong became pregnant.

But it may also be Ye Zhiguo's. After all, Ye Zhiguo has not been idle this month!

But no matter who it is, she will make Ye Zhiguo and the old lady think that the child in Shen Yanhong's belly is wild!

A sneer appeared on Ye Qingqing's lips, and she lowered her head to eat, hiding the cold light in her eyes. 35xs

After a while, she raised her head and glanced at Shen Yanhong, who was on the opposite side. Shen Yanhong kept eating pickled cucumbers, her appetite improved a lot, and she almost ate half a bowl of soaked rice, but when she saw the fat, Shen Yanhong ate it. I couldn't help but gag a few times.

"Don't eat it if you don't want to, who is disgusting to make such a look, other people's sister-in-law Xiao Wang is not as hypocritical as you are pregnant!" Ye Qingqing mocked coldly, deliberately mentioning sister-in-law Xiao Wang.

Sister-in-law Xiao Wang is a neighbor of Zhao Di’s family. She became pregnant less than a year after she got married. She had a severe pregnancy reaction and vomited everything she ate. The family was worried to death, and the enthusiastic neighbors also helped to find a way. to no avail. 35xs

Shen Yanhong secretly hated in her heart, she lowered her head and clenched her teeth, before raising her head for a while, forced a smile, "I've had an upset stomach recently."

Ye Qingqing said strangely, "Maybe she is pregnant like little Wang's sister-in-law, Dad, congratulations on being a father again."

The old lady's ears trembled, her eyes became bright, and she glared at Shen Yanhong, "How long has it been since you were red?"

Ye Zhiguo thought it was funny, "Mom, what does a child Qingqing know, Yanhong can't be pregnant."

Shen Yanhong would take medicine every time she did something, how could it be possible to get pregnant, it was absolutely impossible, Ye Zhiguo never thought about it at all.

The old lady was dubious, but she could see that her son was so sure, and her fiery heart became cold again, and she fiercely gouged out Shen Yanhong's eyes, "Occupy the pit and don't poop!"

Ye Qingqing was picking up a piece of tan pickled cucumber, which was just brought to her mouth, and immediately felt sick. The reverie color of the pickled cucumber made her feel like retching.

The old lady always likes to mention the hobby of the pit when she eats. It's really... a sin!

Shen Yanhong rushed up in her heart, and couldn't bear it any longer, "I can give birth to ten or eight, but I don't know how good my body is. It's your son who won't let me give birth!"

Ye Zhiguo thinks the future is much more important than her, how could she violate the family planning policy, it doesn't matter if Shen Yanhong is born or not, but every day she is scolded by the dead old lady, no matter how good she is, she can't stand it!

"Mum, I'm a public official, and the policy does not allow rebirth. If you regenerate another one, your son and my job will not be guaranteed, and you will have to pay thousands of yuan in fines. Our family is drinking the northwest wind!"

Ye Zhiguo looked at Shen Yanhong with a warning, and patiently explained to the old lady that he had long planned to go outside to find a young and beautiful woman to give birth to a son after he got the property.

Now these days, as long as you have money, you can have as many children as you want, and you are afraid of not having a son?

The immediate priority is to get that money, and there are still three years left!

No, two and a half years, coming soon!

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