Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 528: Shen Yanhong who doesn't want to give birth

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Wei Yugang was finally successfully brainwashed by Ye Qingqing and promised to continue hooking up with Shen Yanhong, of course Ye Lan would not fall. 35xs

After this was done, Ye Qingqing went home without a break.

Because Ye Lan often had to work night shifts, she moved to the hotel dormitory and only went home for a few days a month. No wonder she got together with Lu Qingquan's Dry Firewood and Agnifire, but it was good, and it was more convenient for Wei Yugang to hook up!

The dinner was quite rich. The thrifty old lady steamed and steamed a plate of braised pork, and only had a few pieces of fat left. She was reluctant to throw it away, so she put some dried tofu in the fat and steamed it again. is a dish.

Ye Qingqing never goes for overnight dishes, she would rather eat vegetables, at least freshly fried.


Shen Yanhong went to pick up the dried tofu, but seeing the greasy fat, she couldn't help retching again. She hurriedly covered her mouth and went to the bathroom, and the sound of retching was constantly heard.

The old lady frowned and asked Ye Zhiguo, "I'm not going to the hospital today? What did the doctor say?"

"I didn't see a doctor, I just took some stomach medicine." Ye Zhiguo also frowned, it didn't feel like a stomach problem, he had taken stomach medicine, why didn't he feel better?

The old lady's eyes lit up, "Go to the hospital for a checkup at night to see if she is pregnant."

Just as Ye Zhiguo was about to shake his head, the old lady interrupted him, "If you are asked to go, go, if you are really pregnant, you will have a b-ultrasound in three months, the girl will be aborted, the boy will be born, and she will go to the countryside to give birth. It is said to the outside world that you have a second brother and sister, and it is a big deal to fine some money."

The old lady thought about it for a day today, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that Shen Yanhong was pregnant, and now she was more and more sure!

Ye Zhiguo was also suspicious, is she really pregnant?

I heard people say that the contraceptive pill will be ineffective, maybe Shen Yanhong just took the ineffective contraceptive pill...

Ye Zhiguo's heart skipped a beat, and his expression became solemn, "I'll take her to the hospital for examination after dinner."

If she is really pregnant, she will do it according to Mu's method, and he will be very happy to have more sons!

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes and snorted deliberately, but didn't say anything. After eating, she sneaked out, found Zhao Di, murmured a few words with her, and secretly came back.

Ye Zhiguo took Shen Yanhong to the hospital. They did not take pregnancy tests at night. The doctor suggested that they go to the pharmacy to buy early pregnancy test strips and go home to test them. They came back in a hurry, bought test strips, and asked Shen Yanhong to go to the bathroom for the test.

After a while, Shen Yanhong took out a piece of test paper, her face full of doubts, she couldn't read it at all.

"Is it pregnant or not?" Shen Yanhong asked Ye Zhiguo to see.

There were two bars on the test strip, and the color was quite dark. When Ye Zhiguo bought the test strip, he consulted carefully, and at a glance, he knew that nine out of ten times he was pregnant. His mood was suddenly a little complicated, and his expression was the same, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

The old lady was in a hurry and stabbed him hard, "Are you pregnant?"

"I'm pregnant." Ye Zhiguo nodded.

The old lady suddenly looked happy, and she looked at Shen Yanhong with kinder eyes, "Don't make a sound, go to the hospital to check the **** in three months, take leave to go to the country before showing pregnancy, and come back to work after giving birth."

Shen Yanhong's expression became more complicated, and she murmured, "How could I be pregnant? It's impossible... I've already taken medicine..."

She and Ye Zhiguo and Wei Yugang have both slept this month, and she doesn't even know who the child is?

If it wasn't Ye Zhiguo who came out, this man would definitely not spare her!

"I can't give birth... People find out that the job will definitely be lost." Shen Yanhong said anxiously.

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