Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 539: business should be promoted

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After talking with Zhao Di, Ye Qingqing said goodbye to go home. Before leaving, she thought for a while and asked, "Did your leaders say when you will change?"

"How can it be so fast, at least the three-month probation period is required. I only went to work for less than two months, but our director said that as long as the three-month probation period is over, he will help me with the application report. "Zhao Di is very happy.

After she became a regular worker, she became a regular employee of the machinery factory. Not to mention the high salary, other benefits during the New Year and festivals will be the same as other regular workers.

The treatment of temporary workers and regular workers in the machinery factory is very different. Like this Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhao Di and the temporary workers only have two pounds of moon cakes and two pounds of frozen hairtail, but regular workers have five pounds of mooncakes and five pounds of frozen hairtail. , less than half.

This is only the Mid-Autumn Festival. The difference is even greater for the New Year. Zhao Di asked the old aunt in the same office. The benefits of the machinery factory are well-known in the city.

As long as she is a regular, she will be able to enjoy such good benefits this year!

Zhao Di was overjoyed, and she was more and more grateful to Ye Qingqing. Although her salary was a little lower than before, her job was decent. Mom and Dad raised their heads high when they went out.

In addition, several relatives came over to match her, saying that the objects of kissing were all descendants with decent jobs, unlike the previous saying that the objects of relatives were either unemployed at home, or they were not good-looking, or the family conditions were not good, and no one took it. available.

Seeing that Zhao Di became more and more confident and beautiful, Ye Qingqing was also happy for her. She thought of what the old lady said two days ago.

Two days ago, Ye Lan went home and stayed for one night. The old lady used Zhao Di and Ye Lan as an analogy, saying that Zhao Di is now working decently, and the threshold of the family is about to be leveled.

The old lady also said that a half-life like Ye Lan would only be wanted by a scumbag like Lu Qingquan, and other good descendants would definitely look down on it.

All in all, whenever the old lady took a chance, she would demote Ye Lanhaosheng, especially when she was eating, it is estimated that the old lady regarded this as an appetizer!

"I heard from my grandma that your mother is looking after your marriage for you?" Ye Qingqing asked.

Zhao Di blushed and nodded shyly, "I'm nineteen years old, and my mother said it's time to meet each other."

She felt that her age was indeed about the same, and the conditions of the people who came to propose marriage recently were quite good, whether it was a public institution or a state-owned company, Zhao Di herself was also moved.

In the whole life of a woman, isn't it just a matter of living a stable and solid life, looking for a man with an iron job, at least the future life will definitely not be too stretched, and the life will be smooth and smooth, Zhao Di thinks that this is quite content.

Seeing that Zhao Di was also moved, Ye Qingqing couldn't help frowning, and kindly reminded: "Sister Zhao Di, I personally think that you should not get married now, but improve your career first."

Zhao Di was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "I go to all correspondence classes. I should be able to get a diploma next year, and then take an accounting certificate. I think my career has reached its peak."

When she was in a leather shoe factory, her wish was to have a stable and easy job. Now that wish has been fulfilled, Zhao Di feels that as long as she can become an accountant, she will be satisfied in this life!

Ye Qingqing gave her a white look, "You're content with this? Sister Zhao Di, your eyelids are too shallow."

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