Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 584: sold half life

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"I didn't take it... I don't know the money... Dad... Help..."

Ye Lan couldn't help dodging, but the old lady's bamboo stick was still mercilessly slapped on her body, piercing her heart, and there was nowhere to escape.

Ye Hua tightened her neck and didn't dare to say a word, but she complained to Ye Lan in her heart. She stole money and didn't know how to buy him delicious food, and even caused him to be severely beaten. Ye Hua didn't sympathize with Ye Lan at all. Lan, even hoped that the old lady would hit harder.

Otherwise, sorry for the beating he got in the morning.

"Little sao, even the old lady's money dares to steal, the old lady beats you to death..."

The old lady kept talking, the louder Ye Lan cried, the fiercer she fought, and her anger burned even more.

"I didn't take it...I really didn't take it...Dad help..."

Ye Lan was bitten to death and didn't take the money, so she was not that stupid. If she admits it, she will only fight more fiercely. It's the same as the principle of 'confessing and resisting leniency'. Anyway, the money is not on her. The old woman can't do anything about her.

That money was originally her dowry money, so why should it be given to a dead old woman!

Ye Zhiguo's expression loosened, and it is still uncertain whether Ye Lan is the wild seed that Shen Yanhong stole from life. After all, she has been raised as her own daughter for more than 20 years. Seeing Ye Lan being beaten, Ye Zhiguo couldn't bear it and wanted to stop the old lady.

"Ye Lan, you still want to blame yourself. You didn't steal your grandma's money. Where did you get the money? Your salary has already been handed in, how come you still have so much money?"

Ye Qingqing picked up Ye Lan's bag from the sofa. There were three hundred-yuan pieces in it, and dozens of yuan in change. She poured them all out.

Ye Lan screamed badly, she forgot the money in her bag. Damn Ye Qingqing, she tricked her into coming back to be beaten, and even helped the dead old woman deal with her, wait for her, and sooner or later make this stinky girl unlucky!

"Brother Qingquan gave it to me..." Ye Lan pushed Lu Qingquan.

"You lie to the ghost, Lu Qingquan's salary has been handed over to his mother, where will the money come from? Unless you spend the money!" Ye Qingqing deliberately said.

In fact, how could she know whether Lu Qingquan's salary was handed in? It's been a long time since she heard from the second room!

Ye Lan thought it was true, because Lu Qingquan was very stingy every time he went on a date, and he rarely gave her gifts. It must be because the salary was confiscated by that stinky woman Yue Hongxia!

Damn, it's not good at all, bullying her one by one!

The old lady's bamboo sticks came like raindrops, and Ye Qingqing's analysis made her even more convinced that Ye Lan stole the money!

But Ye Lan's mouth was very strict. No matter how fierce the old lady beat her, she didn't let her mouth go, but Ye Qingqing was impressed. I didn't expect this **** to be tough.

"Grandma, she didn't want to pay, so she sold her to an old bachelor in the mountainous area. I heard that in some places, several brothers married a wife, and the money was much more than 4,000 yuan!" Ye Qingqing sneered.

The barbaric custom of sharing wives still existed in some remote mountainous areas in the 1990s, but it must have disappeared in Pingjiang City. Ye Qingqing deliberately frightened Ye Lan.

"Just do this, lock up this half-life first, and tomorrow I will find someone to sell her!"

The old lady was tired and felt that Ye Qingqing was absolutely right. Instead of killing Half-Life, she might as well sell it to earn a betrothal gift!

Ye Lan's face turned pale with fright. She believed that the old lady would definitely do it. She didn't want to marry in the mountains, and she didn't want to be a daughter-in-law shared by several old bachelors.

"Dad, save me, I'm your daughter, you can't die without saving me!" Ye Lan rushed towards Ye Zhiguo, and there was something in her words.

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