Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 590: very kind revenge

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"Where does that man live? How long have you taken Lan'er away? Mom,'re so confused!"

Ye Zhiguo is full of opinions on the old lady. If the neighbors in the neighborhood know that Ye Zhiguo actually betrothed his daughter to an old man who can be a father, he doesn't know what to say behind the scenes!

There is also the big mouth of Zhaodi's mother, who will definitely tell Zhaodi that this stinky girl is not a strict mouth, and will definitely go to the factory and say that his reputation will be really stinky by then!

"No, Laner can't get the certificate yet. What is the man doing now?"

Ye Zhiguo finally thought of the key point and became anxious.

The old lady didn't expect her son's reaction to be so big, and her momentum was weaker, and she said honestly: "The man said that he would let Half-Life go to his house as a nanny first, and then get the certificate when he is old..."

Ye Zhiguo fell to his back in anger. This man made it clear that he had bad intentions towards Ye Lan. The old lady actually gave his daughter to an old hooligan?

How could he have such a confused old lady?

" are so confused...I won't tell you, how long has Laner been taken away?"

"I took it this morning. 35xs" The old lady had never seen Ye Zhiguo so angry, so she didn't dare to hide it.

"Where does that old guy live, give me a thousand yuan, and I'll take Laner home!"

Ye Zhiguo's chest was blocked in panic, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment. It was noon now, and several hours had passed. It is estimated that what should happen has happened, but he still has to go, so he can't be embarrassed anymore!

The old lady was worried about the money, but she was afraid that her son would be angry. After hesitating for a while, she handed over a thousand yuan. Ye Qingqing grabbed it and said, "I know where the man lives, I will lead the way!"

As she spoke, she winked at the old lady, and the old lady understood and felt relieved. 35xs

Shen Yanhong, who was in the room, heard the movements outside clearly, and forced herself to get out of bed, clawed at the door frame, her face was pale, and she said bitterly, "Ye Zhiguo, if Lan'er is bad, I will fight with you!"

The old lady was about to scold when she jumped up, but Ye Zhiguo stopped him. He gave her a cold look and left without saying anything. Shen Yanhong staggered back to the bed, with three hot water bottles covering her, she couldn't Covering her body, her whole body is like ice cubes.

Now she has to take good care of her body. As for Ye Lan, she can't control it even if she wants to, her own life is at stake.

You can fight against Ye Zhiguo only after you have cultivated your spirit!

Ye Qingqing took Ye Zhiguo to the south of the city. Fuai Road was in the east of the city, and it was a little far away. It took half an hour to get there. Ye Qingqing found his residence according to the address given by the old widow.

In the three rooms of the single-family courtyard, the door of the courtyard was locked, and the movement inside could not be seen. Ye Qingqing rang the doorbell for several minutes before the old widower slowly came out and opened the door.

Ye Qingqing noticed that the old widower had changed into a set of home clothes, and there were obvious scars on his neck, as if they were scratched by a fingernail.

Don't know if you got it?

In the previous life, Yelan sent some gangsters to prison, and tried every means to humiliate her, making her live like a dog without dignity for more than half a year. Now she just makes Yelan feel a little dark in the sun.

She is already very kind!

"Who are you looking for... What are you doing here? Didn't you already agree?" The old widower didn't know Ye Zhiguo, but he recognized Ye Qingqing.

Ye Zhiguo was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, he pushed it away and rushed into the room.

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