Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 604: Search notices

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The next day, when they went to school and went to class, Ye Qingqing and Tang Yuanyuan vividly brought up the pickled dishes they had eaten yesterday.

"It's so fresh that my teeth are falling out. It's really super fresh, but Yuanyuan, you're wrong. Others also use chicken soup and add ham. It's not just your dad who does this."

Ye Qingqing questioned, obviously Tang Bao's pickled buns also add ham and chicken, and the taste is also delicious.

She thinks that maybe the chefs of Hangbang dishes are stewed and pickled like this. Tang Yuanyuan didn't understand much when she was a child. She felt that only her father would do that, and she also felt that her father's cooking was the best!

The daughter's admiration for her father is completely understandable!

"It's possible for other people to add ham and chicken, but the taste is definitely not as good as my father's. The whole world's pickled buns are not as delicious as my father's!"

Tang Yuan Yuan changed from the usual no-nonsense, and the tone was very firm.

"When my dad comes back, let him cook it for you personally, you will know the difference, you can drink your teeth!"

Facts speak louder than words, and it is useless to say more, as long as Dad comes home and cooks a pot of pickled fresh, Qingqing will definitely drink his teeth!

"How long does it get longer!"

Ye Qingqing blurted out, and was happy after saying, "That's what the uncle who invited me to dinner yesterday said. I said it was so delicious that my teeth would fall out.

Tang Yuanyuan's eyes suddenly turned red, and he sniffed, "My father said the same thing when I was a child, but I haven't heard him speak for eight years, Qingqing, will my father never come back?"

My father's household registration has been revoked. My grandparents also said that my father would not come back. My mother, my stepfather, and my father's former friends all said that my father would not come back.

She is the only one in the world who insists on believing that her father is still alive and will go home!

Ye Qingqing took her shoulders and comforted her, "I will definitely come back. By the way, have you posted a missing person notice before?"

Tang Yuan Yuan nodded, "Grandpa and grandma have been in the newspaper for a year, but there is no news."

Ye Qingqing thought about it and said, "Perhaps your father was not in Pingjiang City at that time. Why don't you go and publish it, and your father will be able to see it!"

After eight years, there is a very slim hope that the missing person will be released, but it can comfort Tang Yuanyuan.

Tang Yuanyuan's eyes lit up, "Okay, I'll ask for leave tomorrow to go to the newspaper office."

"No, the third aunt Lu Mo works in the newspaper office. You can give me your father's information, preferably a photo, and I will give it to the third aunt when the time comes."

Tang Yuan Yuan was in a dilemma, "The photos are a bit hard to find. I can't find my dad's photo at home. My mom said she was sad and put all my dad's photos away."

"Then ask your mother..."

Ye Qingqing swallowed the 'want', Wen Sumei, the mother of the dumplings, is not a thing at all. If the dumplings ask for photos, they will definitely be beaten, she hurriedly said, "Don't ask your mother for it, look for it secretly. , I've been looking in the cabinets, desks and drawers, maybe I can find them!"

"Well, I'll look for it when I get home."

Tang Yuan Yuan nodded, her eyes were shining, she suddenly had a feeling that this time... Dad might really come back!

"Well, look for the photo slowly, tell me your father's name and age first, and I will let the third aunt put it in the newspaper first, and then add the photo!"

"Tang Baobao, forty-five years old, 175 in height, round face, very slow speech, Pingjiang accent..." Tang Yuanyuan spoke slowly.

Ye Qingqing twitched the corners of her mouth. The dumplings and dumplings were all related to eating. It is estimated that children born after dumplings would be called dumplings and steamed buns!

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