Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 746: pretending to be mentally ill

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Lu Motuo Fang Yanming found a lawyer, who is said to be Zheng Ruijie's nemesis, and an excellent lawyer himself. As soon as he heard that he was going to have a lawsuit with Zheng Ruijie, the lawyer immediately agreed.

The lawyer is a resolute woman named Niu Xiaoya, about 30 years old, dressed in business attire and has very neatly cut short hair. At first glance, she looks like a capable professional woman.

Although Niu Xiaoya is young, she is very famous in the industry, and her reputation is very good, and her three views are extremely positive.

Never defend a criminal suspect with heinous crimes, even if the other party pays more money.

Just the opposite of Zheng Ruijie.

This is also the main reason why the two do not like each other. Although Niu Xiaoya is a junior, but because of her strong business ability, the latecomer soon succeeded and grabbed several cases of Zheng Ruijie, thus forming a grudge.

"The best way is to ask Ye Zhiguo to take the initiative to plead guilty and detain him. The usual way for Zheng Ruijie to defend the suspect is to ask the suspect to issue a psychiatric identification report."

Niu Xiaoya's work efficiency is extremely high. On the day after receiving the case, she met with Lu Mo and learned about Ye Zhiguo's crime.

"Ye Zhiguo is very cunning and has a certain legal knowledge, so I am afraid it will be difficult for him to take the initiative to plead guilty." Lu Mo said.

"You can find a way to induce a confession. If Ye Zhiguo doesn't take the initiative to confess his guilt, it will be difficult to convict him. After all, so many years have passed." Niu Xiaoya did not promise, but told the actual situation.

More than a decade ago was the most chaotic time. Many criminal cases that occurred at that time were left unresolved, and no one would investigate.

The same is true for the murders committed by Ye Zhiguo. If Ye Qingqing hadn't held on to it, Ye Zhiguo would probably have escaped the statute of limitations.

Lu Mo knew that Niu Xiaoya was telling the truth, and Ye Zhiguo grasped this point before he pleaded not guilty and procrastinated.

"I'll think of a way!"

Lu Mo decided to meet Ye Zhiguo, maybe there will be new discoveries.

Niu Xiaoya suggested: "You can bring the person he hates the most, or the person he cares about the most, to disturb his mind, and there may be gains."

Lu Mo frowned and thought that the person Ye Zhiguo cared about most should be the old lady, but obviously it didn't work.

The person I hate the most is probably Ye Qingqing.

Maybe he should take that girl to meet Ye Zhiguo, or he should go to the meeting alone first!

I really don't want the girl to meet Ye Zhiguo too much.

With Fang Yanming there, it was very convenient for Lu Mo to see Ye Zhiguo, as long as he was at work, he could go there, and the visit time could be extended.

Ye Zhiguo was a little surprised to see Lu Mo, but he calmed down quickly, and he was faintly disdainful.

Compared with the state of seeing the old lady two days ago, Ye Zhiguo is now calmer and more at ease.

It is estimated that he has met Zheng Ruijie, Ye Zhiguo is convinced that he can get out of prison safely!

"Do you think you will go out safe and sound?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Zhiguo sneered and did not speak.

Lu Mo is unfathomable, so it is better to say less, so as not to be caught again.

But Ye Zhiguo really believed that he would be safe and sound, especially after meeting with Zheng Ruijie yesterday, Ye Zhiguo was more confident.

As long as Zheng Ruijie applies for a psychiatric diagnosis for him, he will be fine.

It's not easy to pretend to be mentally ill, Ye Zhiguo is full of confidence.

"You probably want to pretend to be mentally ill and escape the guilt?" Lu Mo said again.

Ye Zhiguo's expression changed slightly, but he soon regained his calm, but he did not escape Lu Mo's eyes, and his heart sank.

Zheng Ruijie really wanted to help Ye Zhiguo escape punishment by using mental illness as an excuse!

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