Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 777: looking for yelan

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Ye Qingqing was stunned and said vaguely: "Anyway, the road is innocent, you can rest assured that you have practiced!"

Space can't tell Lu Mo for the time being, it's not that he doesn't believe Lu Mo, but if he tells Space, Ye Qingqing is worried that she won't be able to hide her rebirth. 35xs

She wasn't sure if Lu Mo would taboo her rebirth, what if Lu Mo regarded her as a ghost?

Uncertain things, Ye Qingqing will definitely not do it!

When she and Lu Mo will blossom and bear fruit in the future, they will be closely related to each other, and they will stick more firmly than 502 glue, and she will definitely tell Lu Mo in the space.

As for rebirth, let's not talk about it!

She didn't want Lu Mo to know her in her previous life.

Lu Mo frowned slightly, this girl has something to hide from him again!

"Really didn't buy it from Jianghu Warlock?" Lu Mo wanted to confirm again.

"Of course not, how could I be so stupid, these two cheats have a decent origin, with a total of 9 floors, as long as we can train to the 9th floor, not only can we live to be 150 years old, but also be a peerless master!"

The more Ye Qingqing talked, the more excited she became. She didn't sleep much last night. As long as she thought that she could live as an old goblin, her brain was in a state of excitement, how could she fall asleep!

The corners of Lu Mo's eyes twitched. The more he listened, the more he felt like the routine of a warlock. How could a human being live to be 150 years old?

Completely inconsistent with the laws of nature.

Lu Mo flipped through the martial arts secret book in his hand again, and saw that the paper was indeed quite old, and it was filled with traditional Chinese characters. Even if it was fake, it took some thought.

However, the more Lu Mo read, the more he felt that it was fake.

Although he has never practiced internal skills, he has practiced Changquan with a veteran of the army before, and his kung fu is similar. He knows the truth at a glance.

Obviously, this cheat book should be true.

And what is recorded above is a very deep inner strength!

Ye Qingqing is right, the source of the secret book is indeed right!

For some reason, Lu Mo suddenly thought of Pippi, and he felt that these two cheats should be related to the starling who became a fine.

"Since it's okay to come here, let's practice together, I'll supervise you!"

Lu Mo didn't bite the bullet and asked, which made Ye Qingqing heave a sigh of relief.

"I don't want your supervision, I can practice myself, maybe I'll get to the ninth floor before you!"

Ye Qingqing snorted arrogantly, looking down on people!

In the past, she was indeed a bit lazy in practice, but this time she definitely won't. Just because she can live as an old goblin, she will definitely persevere, and she will not fall in the wind and rain for 365 days!

Lu Mo couldn't help pinching his fleshy nose lightly, "Let's see!"

Ye Qingqing sneered again, and she was also happy.

After lunch at Lu's house, Ye Qingqing went back alone by bicycle.

During the meal just now, Lin Shufang mentioned Lu Qingquan again, because Lu Qingquan didn't know what to do, so he specially sent a box of rare strawberries.

Ye Qingqing felt that Lu Qingquan was definitely not out of filial piety, but wanted to show off that he was better than Lu Mo now!

Humph, her man is 10,000 times stronger than Lu Zhazai!

Lin Shufang only mentioned a few words, but reminded Ye Qingqing that Lu Qingquan didn't seem to want to marry Ye Lan, she had to think of something!

If she didn't make a pair of these two sluts, how could she cuckold Lu Zhazha?

Ye Qingqing immediately turned the car around and headed for the Hongda Hotel. Since Lu Zhiguo beat Ye Lan, this **** never returned to Ye's house and stayed in the hotel dormitory.

Fortunately, Ye Lan is on the day shift today.

Seeing Ye Qingqing, Ye Lan's face changed immediately, but she still took her to the dormitory.

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