Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 786: more and more tacit

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Bai Jiani was arrogant and arrogant, of course she would not give up just because of a blow, but aroused her competitive spirit even more.

Even if it is a strong opponent like hk Firmenich Pharmaceuticals, Bai Jiani doesn't think she has any chance of winning!

She can think of a way to persuade the relevant departments to put pressure on this wild girl to make her take the initiative to hand over the prescription.

Her arms can't bend her thighs, she doesn't believe that this wild girl dares to oppose the government!

But the downside of this is that she no longer has the ownership of the prescription, but she can gain some reputation. For her, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages!

Anyway, the prescription is not hers, no matter how much benefit she gets, she earns it for nothing.

The most unfortunate thing was that wild girl, who handed in a prescription for nothing and could only get some empty reputation!

Hmph, if she dares to offend her, she will definitely let this wild girl go to nothing.

Neither the prescription nor Lu Mo could get it!

However, Bai Jiani was reluctant to use this trick unless it was a last resort.

Her most satisfying result is to use this prescription to write the best doctoral dissertation, which is the perfect end to her doctoral career!

So, before that, she still needs to work harder!

Afterwards, Bai Jiani learned a lot about Ye Susu by chatting with Lu Mo, and left satisfied.

Ye Qingqing, who couldn't hold back for a long time, grabbed Lu Mo's hand as soon as Bai Jiani left, and asked curiously, "Do you want this old woman and Ye Susu to bite the dog?"

Lu Mo smiled inexplicably, and said nothing, patted Ye Qingqing's head lightly, just like patting a puppy. 35xs

"Get your homework done, darling!"

There are things outside, and the little girl just needs to study hard and make progress every day!

"Hate, don't say it, don't say it!"

Ye Qingqing gave him a white look and patted the paws on her head. She patted her head like this every time, she is not a puppy!

Although Lu Mo didn't say it clearly, Ye Qingqing felt that her guess was definitely right.

Ye Susu and Bai Jiani are not fuel-efficient lamps. Their two tigresses must be very exciting, right?

Oops, I have a big show to watch every day after I come back from rebirth, I'm looking forward to it!

Ye Qingqing rolled her eyes, approached Lu Mo, blinked playfully, and asked narrowly, "How was my performance just now?"

A face of praise!

"Not bad!" Lu Mo said lightly.

In fact, he felt that this girl's performance was getting better and better, at least her IQ had improved significantly, unlike before, where everything was written on her face.

"Brother, you said that we were just like that, is it called having a good understanding of each other? How do you say the previous sentence?"

Ye Qingqing smiled, and she and Lu Mo became more and more tacit.

Just one look can understand the meaning of the other party, this is the legendary connection of minds!

She is the only woman in this world who is suitable for Lu Mo!

Not one of them!

Lu Mo's face became hot again, and he read out the last sentence without knowing it, "I have no colorful phoenix and two flying wings!"

"Yeah, that's it, it's completely tailored for us..."

Lu Mo's face became hotter, and this girl became more and more outspoken, but why did he like to hear it so much?

"Go and organize your homework. I have learned this poem in my first year of high school, and I have memorized 300 Tang poems ten times!"

Lu Mo tried his best to keep his face straight. He had forgotten the poems he had learned in his first year of high school. What if he passed the college entrance examination?

This girl must be disciplined strictly, and the chain will fall if you relax a little!

Ye Qingqing's face suddenly collapsed, what she hated most was reciting poems.

Hate Lu Mo!

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