?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth of the ninety hot wife!

Lu Mo shook his head flatly, "I can't come back, let's find someone to manage it!"

"How can it be so easy to find?" He Weishao snorted. 35xs

Qualified management talents are more precious than diamonds, how can it be so easy to find, based on his connections, I haven't thought of a suitable one until now.

Not only ability, but also good character, the latter is the most important.

"Look slowly and you will find it, before you..."

He Weishao interrupted Lu Mo's words, "Don't count on me, I have tried my best to manage this little broken company, and if I don't have time to manage the pharmaceutical company, either you come back to manage it, or you can find someone to manage it, anyway, don't let me anymore. Manage!"

The purpose of life is to be happy, why do you have to be as tired as a cow!

He Weishao is not too ambitious. He feels that the current small trading company earns enough money for him to spend.

Every year he changes his car, his girlfriend also changes frequently, and he can save hundreds of thousands of dollars every year, which is enough for him to live a smart and unrestrained life, and he can also honor his father by the way.

What else is there to be dissatisfied with?

People like Lu Mo are too demanding of themselves, so He Weishao feels that his friends are too tired.

Fortunately, a friend recently opened up a little bit and finally understands the beauty of women. Unfortunately, the daughter-in-law I was looking for is a minor and can't do anything, so I can only do it and watch anxiously.

He Weishao had already secretly calculated the accounts for Lu Mo. Ye Qingqing was one year in high school and four years in college. If he took another postgraduate exam, it would take three years.

That adds up to eight years.

What the hell!

Eight years, the little devils have been driven away, and Lu Mo is still a bachelor!

Looking for such a small daughter-in-law, isn't it to blame yourself!

However, with Lu Mo's dead face, it is already a gift from God to find a daughter-in-law who looks like a flower and jade, and you can't ask for too much!

Seeing He Weishao's decisiveness, Lu Mo knew that this guy would definitely not manage a pharmaceutical company, so he couldn't help but worry, where to find suitable management talents?

Of course he couldn't come back himself, he had already promised the head of the regiment that he would go back in a month, of course he couldn't break his promise.

And instead of managing the company, Lu Mo prefers to stay in the army and fight side by side with his comrades and brothers!

"Then you can slowly find the right talent, it doesn't mean you have to ask for it now, it's just a plan!"

Lu Mo felt that the boat would naturally go straight to the bridge, and when the pharmaceutical company was established, suitable management talents would definitely be found.

He coaxed He Weishao to start the company first, but he couldn't find anyone to manage it, and he couldn't get out of the army, so He Weishao had to take care of it!

Otherwise, a company that spends so much money to open cannot be declared bankrupt as soon as it opens!

He Weishao's back was a little cold, he looked at Lu Mo suspiciously, "I don't care about the company anyway, I said hello to you!"

Lu Mo nodded, "You go to inquire about the procedures for opening a pharmaceutical company first, and slowly start the company. Don't worry about management!"

"I can run a company, but I will never do it in management, so make a statement in advance!"

He Weishao emphasized it again.

Lu Mo smiled slightly, indicating that he already knew, but didn't say anything.

He Weishao thought that Lu Mo agreed, he only needed to start a pharmaceutical company, and he didn't need to worry about other management matters.

He happily agreed, "Tomorrow I will go to the relevant departments to inquire about the procedures for opening a pharmaceutical company, and then go to find a factory site. Although our company is not big, we have made a lot of money over the years, so the start-up capital should be no problem!"

He Weishao is very familiar with these matters of human relations and is happy to do it.

But he was always a little uneasy, and he couldn't tell the specifics, so he had to put it aside for the time being.

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