Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 804: naked without eating

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The chocolate bar Ye Qingqing took out was the energy chocolate bar seized from Yu Moli before.

Of course Moli Yu knew it, and it couldn't be more familiar. After all, she used this chocolate bar to harm the dumplings for several years!

" are you doing?"

Yu Moli was so frightened that her voice trembled, she subconsciously retreated back, but her back was against the cold wall, and there was absolutely no way to retreat.

The mighty Yu Moli was finally frightened and looked at the dumplings begging.

"'s my fault...I used to be sorry for you...please let me go, I kowtow to you..."

Yu Moli regards her figure as more important than her face. After all, her face is already set, and no matter how you change it, it can't turn into a flower, but her figure can be maintained. As long as a girl has a good figure, her face can be remedied with makeup, and she is still a beauty!

That's why Yu Jasmine hasn't eaten enough food for several years, so she can maintain her thin figure.

For her, a good figure is more important than life!

In order to have a good figure, Yu Moli did not hesitate to ask for mercy from the dumplings that she usually looked down on, keeping her posture extremely low.

The dumplings were indifferent, looking at the crying dumplings coldly, took the chocolate bar from Ye Qingqing's hand, tore the package, and stuffed it into Yu Moli's mouth.

"Eat the chocolate obediently, or I'll take your clothes off!"

Tang Yuanyuan made a vicious appearance, broke a piece of chocolate and stuffed it into Yu Moli's mouth, while the other hand was pulling on Yu Moli's collar.

In the past, Yi Meng and those people treated her like this, and the reason why she was discriminated against and bullied by her classmates was because she was fat.

And her fat is because she ate Yu Moli's chocolate bar.

It can be said that Yu Moli is the main culprit of school violence for the dumplings.

No matter what Tangyuanyuan does to Yu Moli now, it's not too much. Moreover, Tangyuanyuan just wants to give back to Yu Moli the hardships she has suffered in the past!

"No, I don't want to eat..."

Yu Moli was extremely frightened, she shook her head vigorously, trying to spit out the chocolate in her mouth, Tang Yuanyuan pulled her collar with a little force, and the collar pulled down.

"It's ok if you don't eat, I'll strip your clothes off so that all the classmates can see your good figure!"

Ye Qingqing pulled hard, and Yu Moli's half-pulled shoulders were exposed.

Tang Yuan Yuan was still not ruthless enough to deal with a poisonous snake like Yu Jasmine.

But the dumplings still had a bit of affection, and they didn't use enough strength, so they couldn't deter Yu Moli too much.

The class is about to start soon, and Ye Qingqing didn't want to waste any more time, so she decided to do something ruthless!

Yu Moli was so frightened that her face turned pale. Fatty Fatty's friend was much more ruthless than Fatty Fatty. If her clothes were pulled down a little further, her entire upper body would be exposed.

There are so many classmates in the corridor, if she sees her naked, what face will she have to learn in the future?

"Don't want to eat? It seems that you like to be naked, then I will fulfill you!"

Ye Qingqing pretended to pull it off again, completely shattering Yu Moli's psychological defense.

"I eat...I'll eat it now...don't take off my clothes..."

Yu Moli cried and swallowed the chocolate bar with her tears, planning to go to the toilet to spit it out after Ye Qingqing and the others left.

"Want to vomit? Dreaming!"

Ye Qingqing sneered and punched Yu Moli in the stomach.

"Cough cough cough..."

Yu Moli couldn't help coughing in pain, the chocolate completely entered her stomach, and it was not so easy to spit it out again!

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