Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 933: gender error

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Time stopped suddenly. 35xs

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo were both dumbfounded, and some didn't believe their ears.

"Wuchen is a girl?" Lu Mo asked.

Ye Mingcheng nodded, "Of course, it's a girl."

"I'm not a bitch, I'm a man!" Wuchen, who was already carrying water to the bathroom, turned back and retorted loudly.

Ye Mingcheng patiently persuaded, "You are a baby girl, father will not lie to you."

"I'm not a bitch, I'm a man, a man who stands above the ground!"

Wuchen is very stubborn and firmly believes that he is a man.

She could beat the men in the village with one hand, how could she be a woman?

Dad is absolutely confused!

Ye Mingcheng was very helpless, and he also blamed him for not instilling the concept of gender in Wuchen when she was a child, which made her mistakenly think that she was a man, and she would not listen to any persuasion. 35xs

"Wuchen, when did Dad lie to you?" Ye Mingcheng was patient and wanted to persuade again.

Wuchen pursed his lips and snorted softly, "The day before yesterday, I promised me to go to bed earlier, but it ended up in the middle of the night, why didn't you lie to me!"

Ye Mingcheng coughed a few times in embarrassment. The little guy is now the same as the housekeeper. It is stipulated that he must go to bed at 9:00 every day, but he is used to going to bed late, how could he be able to sleep at 9:00!

The corner of Ye Qingqing's mouth twitched, it seems that this unfortunate child is a girl without a doubt!

But it seems that Wuchen firmly believes that he is a man, and he is still a man in the sky!

I am afraid that it is a little difficult to correct the concept that I have established since I was a child!

Tie Dan's mother was very surprised when she heard that Wuchen was a girl, but she felt more pity.

"Girl dolls have to dress beautifully, look like they wear gray all day long, and they have to grow their hair, and dolls have to have braids to look good. I'll look for the clothes you used to wear, sister, and I'll fix them first. Deal with it, when the time comes, my aunt will make new clothes for you by pulling floral cloth..."

Tie Dan's mother rambled, and felt pity for Wuchen.

A girl with a lot of water, spirit and handsomeness, but let a few big gentlemen raise small novices.

Over the years, people in the village thought Wuchen was a boy, but who would have thought that it was actually a girl!

Looking at Wuchen's bare head, Tie Dan's mother is both angry and funny, ready to give Wuchen a hat.

But goose-

"I'm a gentleman, not a bitch, don't wear flowery clothes, and don't have braids, only bald head is comfortable!"

Wuchen hasn't turned around until now, thinking that he is a boy with all his heart, and even——

In the morning, I poured three bowls of millet porridge, and after a lot of noise, I went out to pee, but I couldn't find the toilet.

"I'll take you there!" Ya Dan said kindly.

"No, men and women are different!"

Wuchen refused, and what it looks like to go to the toilet with the girls is all seen, doesn't she want to marry Yadan as a daughter-in-law?

Helpless, Tie Dan took the little guy to the toilet. There are cesspits and urinals in the toilets in rural areas. Men usually pee in the urinal.

Tie Dan took Wuchen to the toilet and stood guard outside, but there seemed to be something wrong with the sound behind him.

Why didn't you urinate in the cesspool?

Tie Dan was embarrassed to look at it, so he called Ya Dan and asked her to take a look.

The girl quietly pushed open the door a little, startled the boss, and exclaimed, "Why are you standing to pee?"

"Why are you peeking at me to pee, I'll tell you, I will never marry you, don't rely on me then!"

Wuchen hurriedly jumped off the urinal, covered his **** with his clothes, and glared at Yadan vigilantly.

I know it's not good, she will never be responsible anyway!

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