Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 954: Tangled Lu Mo

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Although it was only a false alarm, everyone's mood could not be calm, and Iron Egg Girl didn't feel in the mood to cook delicious food, so she casually cooked some noodles and lunch. 35xs

Ye Qingqing and Lu Mo didn't have much appetite, but the Tiedan brothers and sisters and Wuchen ate and snorted, which was not affected at all.

Especially Yadan, who said on the way that he would definitely not be able to eat lunch, but now he is holding the sea bowl and eating it with relish.

True Incense Warnings are available anytime, anywhere.

Wuchen held a bowl that was twice the size of her face, and ate it with big mouthfuls. She ate plain noodles made by herself. The iron egg girl was very skilled, mixed with shredded cucumbers and carrots, and poured fragrant chili oil. , lying on two yellow omelets.

The little guy ate thief laxiang, one mouthful of garlic and one mouthful of noodles, and he finished half a bowl of noodles in no time. 35xs

"Brother, what should I do?"

Ye Qingqing was worried and asked Lu Mo in a low voice.

"Don't worry, there will be a way."

In fact, Lu Mo didn't think of a good way at all. The best way is to take the girl to the army, but this is not realistic at all.

"Why don't you let Yadan go back to Pingjiang with us!" Ye Qingqing suggested.

Although the mysterious young master is in Pingjiang, but with her and Pippi watching, if something happens, they can take precautions.

Lu Mo didn't think it was a good idea for the girl to go back to Pingjiang. The girl's troubles haven't been resolved yet!

Originally, he wanted Yadan and Ye Qingqing to go to the army, so they could go to the army's children's school, but the problem is, Yadan and Ye Qingqing couldn't live in the army. If they rented a house outside, he and Tiedan still wouldn't care. , and living in Pingjiang is no different!

Really in a dilemma!

Pippi flew to Lu Mo's ear, "The best way is to stay in Pingjiang!"

Lu Mo's expression changed slightly, and his heart was very tangled.

Ye Qingqing heard Pippi's words and reprimanded with his mind: "Lu Mo's biggest wish is to win glory for the country, don't say such things in the future!"

She will never let herself become a stumbling block for Lu Mo!

Even if the future is full of thorns and dangers!

"There are many ways to win glory for the country, why do you have to go back?" Pippi was not angry.

"Anyway, you're not allowed to say that again, I won't implicate Lu Mo!" Ye Qingqing's tone was very serious.

Pippi didn't dare to say any more, but after all, he was not reconciled.

As long as there is a little room for relaxation, it will not come up with this idea. Now the situation is so urgent, it cannot afford to delay!

It doesn't want to be wiped out!

"Think about it, other places can also win glory for the country, but there is only one daughter-in-law!"

Pippi was not reconciled, and flew to Lu Mo's ear to lobby again.

Lu Mo's expression changed greatly, and his heart sank to the bottom.

Pippi's words caused huge waves in the lake in his heart, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

There were two voices arguing in my head, and they couldn't stand still.

One moment leaning this way, another moment leaning there, my brain is about to explode.

"Brother, don't listen to Pippi's nonsense, I'm fine!" Ye Qingqing said hurriedly.

She really felt that Pippi was making too much of a fuss.

She will urge herself to become stronger as soon as possible, fight against Yinzhi, and will never implicate Lu Mo.

Lu Mo smiled slightly, his eyes were deep, no one knew what he was thinking.

Early the next morning, Ye Qingqing and the others were about to leave, but Yadan remained at home. Last night, Ye Qingqing euphemistically mentioned going to Pingjiang, but Yadan sternly refused, she couldn't bear her mother.

And the little girl didn't take what happened yesterday to her heart at all, she thought it was just a coincidence!

Four days later, they finally returned to Pingjiang, and in a luxury villa in Pingjiang, a young man wearing a mask was furious.

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