Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 964: lure the enemy

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"It's all my fault. I should have brought the **** over. I knew that the bad guys wanted to catch the dick, so why didn't I bring it..."

Tie Dan cried so hard that his bowels were blue with regret. 35xs

He shouldn't rely on Yadan and mother, and bring Yadan to his side, otherwise nothing will happen!

"It's already happened, it's useless to regret it, the most important thing now is to save the bastard!"

Ye Qingqing is also very self-blame. She should have persisted at that time. She had already thought at that time that it is very likely that the gangsters would go to catch Yadan again, but because Yadan was reluctant to leave home, she gave up the idea of ​​taking Yadan back to Pingjiang!

"Yudan must have been taken away by Yu Wenfeng, as long as you stare at Yuwenfeng, you will be able to find it!" Lu Mo said solemnly. 35xs

"Yes, stare at Yu Wenfeng!" Ye Qingqing agreed.

"I'll go watch now!" Iron Dan gritted his teeth.

"You don't have to go now, you must still be on the road, starting tomorrow, you are in the day and I will be in the night." Lu Mo ordered.

Yu Wenfeng's research institute is in Pingjiang, Yadan will definitely be brought back to Pingjiang, so they still have time to prepare.

When Ye Qingqing's mind moved, Yu Wenfeng was interested in her, which could be used!

But she didn't tell Lu Mo this idea, Lu Mo would definitely not agree to her taking the risk!

The next day, Lu Mo and Tie Dan divided their work and stared at Yu Wenfeng day and night, but Yu Wenfeng did not behave abnormally as usual.

Ye Qingqing asked Wuchen to take her to the hospital. Her eyesight has recovered a lot, and she can already see people blurred. In fact, even if no one takes her, she can go to the hospital alone.

But Lu Mo was worried and had to let Wuchen follow him. Lu Mo went to investigate Yu Wenfeng's father, Yu Wenhua. He felt that Yu Wenhua must have something to do with it.

As Ye Qingqing expected, she met Yu Wenfeng again in the ward.

Gu Nianci was the only one in the ward, and he had a great time talking with Yu Wenfeng. Yu Wenfeng didn't know what to say, but he made Gu Nianci smile all over his face and was very happy.

"Where is Dad?" Ye Qingqing asked.

"I want to eat cherries, your father bought them for me!" Gu Nianci said with a smile.

Her operation time was three days later, and she needed to fast on the day of the operation, so she wanted to eat more good food while she was now, and found her son and granddaughter. Gu Nianci's mood was getting better day by day, and her appetite naturally improved.

Yu Wenfeng smiled at Ye Qingqing, the smile was very charming, but Ye Qingqing only felt disgusting.

But thinking of the missing girl, Ye Qingqing gritted her teeth and decided to lure the enemy.

"Thank you Mr. Yuwen for taking time out to visit my grandma!" Ye Qingqing deliberately slowed down her tone, her attitude was much better than before.

Yu Wenfeng was secretly proud and thought that Ye Qingqing was fascinated by his style!

"You're welcome, Miss Ye."

One is intentional, the other is intentional, Yu Wenfeng and Ye Qingqing chatted fairly harmoniously.

"Do I have the honor to have lunch with Miss Ye?" Yu Wenfeng smiled like a gentleman.

Ye Qingqing smiled slightly, "Okay!"

Yu Wenfeng was even more complacent, and his desire for Ye Qingqing became stronger and stronger. The window period during this period was too long, and he did not have the patience to wait any longer!

And Ye Qingqing doesn't know what's wrong, even if he changes his mind now, Yu Wenfeng doesn't want to be too polite to her!

The two brought Wuchen to a high-end restaurant near the hospital. Yu Wenfeng seemed to be a frequent visitor here. As soon as he entered the restaurant, he was taken to the box by the lobby manager.

Tie Dan, who was stalking secretly, was worried when he saw that Ye Qingqing was actually with Yu Wenfeng.

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