Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 977: see good brother

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Yu Wenfeng and Ye Yuanhao walked into a room, and the unconscious girl was also pushed in. These two beasts were definitely going to do bad things to the girl. Lu Mo sneaked in, there was no longer any delay, and the girl had to be rescued. 35xs

There are not many staff in this underground research institute, only two men in white coats, except for Yu Wenfeng and Ye Yuanhao, all four entered the room and were very relieved about the outside world.

The research institute is so secretive, who can come to the door?

Lu Mo sneaked in as if he was in a no-man's land. He wanted to go directly to the room to save Yadan, but when he passed by a room next to him, he glanced casually, and the whole person froze.

Through the bars, Lu Mo saw more than a dozen people standing, mummified corpses to be exact, because they had all been made into specimens, including males and females, old and young. 35xs

What changed Lu Mo's face was that he saw his good brother Zhang Dazhu inside.

Zhang Dazhu, who has been dead for three years, is now standing in the room, becoming a lifeless specimen.

Zhang Dazhu lost his usual silly smile, and stared at him in astonishment, as if something shocked him, his eyes were very surprised.

Combined with what Yu Wenfeng said just now, Lu Mo speculated that the so-called drowning man must have been hired by Yu Wenfeng. When Zhang Dazhu was saving people, he sneaked up on Zhang Dazhu, causing Zhang Dazhu's accidental death.

That's why Zhang Dazhu has such an expression.

This stupid brother, he probably won't understand until he dies!

damn it!

Lu Mo's anger was about to collapse, and his brother's body was in front of him. Obviously, the ashes brought back by Zhang Dazhu's family were unknown to whom it belonged!

These beasts!

Lu Mo took a deep look at Zhang Dazhu, and swore in his heart that he must avenge his brother's revenge, and he must also let his brother go to earth for safety!

Lu Mo, who was furious, quietly sneaked to the door of Yu Wenfeng's room. The iron door was locked. Through the window, he could see four people around the operating table, preparing equipment.

Scalpel, clips, forceps, hemostat...

Surgical equipment is complete.

"Look at this girl's brachialis first, it should be very developed!" Yu Wenfeng said as he picked up the scalpel.

Lu Mo tried to open the iron door, but the door was locked from the inside and could not be opened for a while. Lu Mo had a clever move, lifted a chair and smashed it on the ground.

The loud noise stopped the four people in the room, Yu Wenfeng looked at the door vigilantly, and said to his subordinate, "Go out and have a look!"

He himself took out the gun from the drawer and followed.

If anyone dares to break in, they will be caught alive, just to be used as a living body!

Maybe it's those nasty reporters. There are always some reporters with a strong sense of justice who will dig up things that shouldn't be digging up. He has already made several reporters alive, and there are still people who are not afraid of death!

The moment his subordinates opened the door, Lu Mo rushed into the room like a cheetah and quickly knocked out the two subordinates, but Yu Wenfeng didn't respond slowly and shot him.

Lu Mo nimbly avoided the bullets, followed the zigzag path, and dodged to Yu Wenfeng's side, fighting him close to hand.

Yu Wenfeng had to give up the gun, but even if he learned kung fu, he would have no problem dealing with ordinary people, but he was much worse than Lu Mo. He was knocked to the ground by Lu Mo after a few moments. Ye Yuanhao rushed over to help, but was also caught by Lu Mo. down.

Lu Mo stepped on Yu Wenfeng under his feet and pinched his neck hard. Yu Wenfeng's breathing gradually became weaker and his face became more and more pale.

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