Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 983: Yuwenfeng's suspicion

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Universal Corporation

The police searched the company and found that the safe had been stolen, and Yu Wenfeng had not installed surveillance in the office. At this time, people were not conscious of installing surveillance, and surveillance was not common. 35xs

Yuwenfeng insisted that he didn't go to the hospital, he had to stay and deal with the aftermath, or if the laboratory below was exposed, he would definitely go to jail!

There was a tingling pain in his chest, and Lu Mo's shot was heavy, breaking at least three of his ribs, and it hurt like a heart attack. Ye Yuanhao's condition was slightly better, but his face was equally pale, and he didn't go to the hospital.

Seeing the empty safe, Yu Wenfeng's eyes went black, and his chest hurt even more!

damn it!

He actually stole his property, which is the family he has managed to save over the years. He wanted to use it to expand the company, but now... but there is not a dime left!

Yu Wenfeng suspected Lu Mo's identity. It was obvious that the man in black had an accomplice at night, and he used the strategy of attacking the west.

One rescues people in the basement, and the other steals the safe in the office building.

These people are definitely not journalists!

Yu Wenfeng quickly came to a conclusion, his mind turned very fast, a reporter would never steal a safe, and he was not that good at it, and there was no need to take risks to save people!

From Yadan, he thought of Tie Dan and Lu Mo again.

And he also remembered that the figure of the man in black was very similar to Lu Mo's, and Lu Mo's identity was naturally normal with good skills. Damn it... Yu Wenfeng quickly cleared up the doubts in a short period of time. I'm sure it's Lu Mo's ghost!

He gritted his teeth with hatred, and his chest hurt even more!

"Lu Mo..."

Yu Wenfeng gritted his teeth, his eyes lit up with cold light, this surnamed Lu didn't know what to do, so don't blame him for being rude!

Just a mere battalion commander, he really didn't care about it!

Seeing that Bai Jiani was so interested in this surnamed Lu, it showed that Lu Mo's body was also special, and he didn't mind having an extra specimen in the laboratory.

Before that, he will definitely make Lu Mo tortured, he can't survive, he can't die!

Yu Wenfeng's expression was gloomy and gloomy under the light, and it became even more gloomy.

He and Ye Yuanhao cooperated with the police to investigate for a while, but they couldn't hold it any longer, so they sent the driver to the hospital.

"Who is that man in black? Brother Yuwen, your enemy?" Ye Yuanhao secretly called unlucky, he just came to visit, but he suffered a misfortune and was extremely unlucky.

Yu Wenfeng didn't hide it from him, "It's barely an opponent, I fell in love with his fiancee."

Ye Yuanhao understood as soon as he heard it. He was very disdainful of Yu Wenfeng's eagerness, but he still asked Yuwenfeng, so naturally he would not show it, and deliberately teased: "What kind of natural talent is that fiancee? Brother Yuwen, your vision is very high, even my family Susu is just a vulgar fan in your eyes!"

"Where, I adore Miss Susu very much, but Miss Susu has high vision and doesn't look down on ordinary people like me." Yu Wenfeng endured the pain to ease the atmosphere.

In fact, he really doesn't look down on Ye Susu, his appearance and figure are only medium-to-high, he has no interest in it, the reason why he said this is purely polite!

Ye Yuanhao groaned heavily, thinking of his horrific cousin just now, he couldn't help taking a breath, stinging the wound.

My cousin, who used to be arrogant than a swan in the past, has now become a rat crossing the street. Everyone is yelling and beating. My cousin is forced to hide abroad and return to HK when the wind blows over!

All this is thanks to Ye Qingqing and Sheng Xinlan!

He came here to avenge his cousin!

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