Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Chases Husband

Chapter 994: car accident

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Ye Qingqing guessed right, Yu Wenfeng really can't lie down now, he didn't expect Lu Mo's movements to be so fast!

He was still lying in the hospital. Originally, he only had three broken ribs. He could be discharged in a few days, but the wheelchair speeding was staged that day.

Yu Wenfeng was still in bed, and his mobile phone has not stopped since early days, all of which are calls from customers who have ordered scar removal creams.

Some customers were more polite and offered to return the goods euphemistically, but some customers returned the goods outright without any room for negotiation!

It was only one morning. The orders that were originally scheduled for the next year were suddenly reduced to half a year, and depending on the situation, it was very likely that they could not be kept for half a year.


Yuwen was so arrogant that he beat the bed hard and hated Lu Mo to the bone.

I don't know what to do, if you go back, don't even think about coming back!

Yu Wenfeng smiled grimly and called, "Don't let Lu Mo go back to Pingjiang again, his vacation is over!"

After getting a satisfactory answer, Yu Wenfeng hung up the phone and laughed even more wildly.

Without Lu Mo blocking his hands and feet in Pingjiang, Ye Qingqing's little **** will soon be in his pocket!

When he got tired of playing with Ye Qingqing, he took a photo and sent it to Lu Mo, so that he could appreciate his woman and enjoy the beauty of being abused under him!


Thinking of the pride, Yu Wenfeng couldn't help laughing, but the phone rang again, and Yu Wenfeng's mood suddenly deteriorated.

Ye Qingqing was only tormented, but he couldn't get rid of his hatred, he had to do something more!

"Go and check, who wrote this report, give him some color!"

Yu Wenfeng ordered his subordinates that the person who wrote the report must have something to do with Lu Mo, and he would make Lu Mo regret posting this report!

On the fourth day after Lu Mo left, Ye Qingqing received a call from Lin Shufang and heard the bad news.

"Your aunt was in a car accident, alas... Fortunately, someone reminded you, aunt, that you didn't hit the key."

Ye Qingqing was taken aback, Hao Aihua had a car accident?

She asked about the situation. Hao Aihua was riding a bicycle to work in the morning and was hit by a drunk driving car. Fortunately, a kind sanitation worker reminded Hao Aihua to dodge in time, so that the collision was not too serious, but the calf was fractured and severely bruised.

"Has the driver caught the accident?"

"Caught, drunk, even people can't recognize it!" Lin Shufang said bitterly.

The most hated is the drunk driver who is not responsible for his own life, let alone the lives of others.

But Ye Qingqing felt that this car accident was very unusual. Which driver would drink so much alcohol in the early morning?

But Hao Aihua is usually very low-key and kind to others. She has a good reputation both in the unit and in the compound. How could anyone want to harm her?

The more Ye Qingqing thought about it, the more puzzled it became, so she decided to visit Hao Aihua in the hospital and asked about the situation at that time.

Hao Aihua was also in the military hospital, and the wound had been treated. The bag was like a mummy. Lu Jianfeng, the third uncle of Lu Mo, was taking care of him with a worried expression.

"I'm fine, just a little broken, I'll be fine in a few days!"

Hao Aihua was very optimistic, but comforted her husband with a smile on her face.

But Ye Qingqing noticed Hao Aihua's worry from her smile, and became more and more sure that the car accident was tricky!

Hao Aihua is not worried about herself, she is worried about her son who is studying abroad, and her husband.

She didn't expect Yu Wenfeng's revenge to come so quickly and mercilessly. This time she was lucky to avoid it, but if Yu Wenfeng's devil hand reached out to her son...

Hao Aihua couldn't imagine the consequences, but she didn't regret it.

For justice, and to save her friend, she had to write that report!

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