?, the fastest update to the latest chapter of the rebirth of the ninety hot wife!

Yu Wenfeng's injury has not yet fully recovered, but a major incident happened at home, and he had to be discharged from the hospital ahead of schedule.

"Aunt Xue and my father are so affectionate. If you weren't bewitched, how could she have poisoned my father? She even stole my father's treasure!"

Yu Wenfeng glared at Zhu Zi with hatred, "I used to think too highly of you, so you are just a despicable villain!"

"If I want to harm Yu Wenhua, I will poison it myself, I don't need a woman!"

Although Zhu Zi looked calm, he was not at all calm. He did not expect that the Poison Sutra, which Yinzhi had been investigating for decades, was actually in the hands of Yu Wenhua!

"The Poison Sutra belongs to the hidden branch, and Yuwenhua's face says it is his treasure. If the hidden branch knows the whereabouts of Yuwenhua's hidden Poison Sutra, what do you think the hidden branch will do to your father!"

Zhu Zi looked at Yu Wenfeng sarcastically, being clever was mistaken by cleverness. Yinzhi had been investigating the poison scriptures for decades, but Yuwenhua kept silent. No matter how good the relationship between Yuwenhua and Yinzhi was, Yinzhi would never Forgive him!

Yu Wenfeng's face changed slightly, and he was annoyed that he was in a hurry just now, but he missed his mouth. 35xs

"You can talk, but don't forget, Aunt Xue is in my hands!" Yu Wenfeng threatened.

He and Zhu Zi grew up together and knew this guy very well.

Although Zhu Zi kept saying that he would never see Ning Xue again, he actually cared about Ning Xue more than anyone else.

Love is deep enough to hate everything!

Zhu Zi's complexion changed slightly, but she quickly returned to indifference, and said lightly: "The life of that woman has nothing to do with me, whatever you want!"

Yu Wenfeng laughed wildly, "Don't act in front of me, do you think I don't know how much you care about Aunt Xue?"

He stopped laughing wildly and said coldly: "Your mother, you bitch, wasted my father being so good to her, and actually poisoned my father, I won't let her die so easily!"

"What do you want to do?" Zhu Zi asked.

Yu Wenfeng was very proud, "Of course I made your mother my experiment!"

"you dare!"

Zhu Zi grabbed Yu Wenfeng's collar with murderous intent in his eyes, even if he hated Ning Xue again, he would not let Yu Wenfeng humiliate her.

"See if I dare, your mother is in my hands now, hahaha..."

Yu Wenfeng was even more complacent and liked seeing his opponents aggrieved the most, especially Zhu Zi.

At the door of the ward, Ye Qingqing heard the conversation between Yu Wenfeng and Zhu Zi clearly and was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Zhu Zi and Yu Wenfeng still have such a relationship. It sounds like Zhu Zi's mother married Yu Wenfeng's father.

Then why did Zhu Zi's mother poison Yuwenfeng's father?

Thinking of Ning Xue's strange behavior three days ago, Ye Qingqing groaned inwardly and secretly cried out, and hurriedly took out the letter from her bag.

"Zhu Zi, look at your mother's letter."

Ye Qingqing rushed into the ward, kicked Yu Wenfeng to the ground, and handed the letter to Zhu Zi.

Zhu Zi recognized the letter from three days ago, and it really was written by his mother.

Ever since he was a child, he remembered that his mother liked to write letters on light green stationery, and the stationery must have small flowers on it. Seeing the stationery on the ground three days ago, Zhu Zi suspected that Ning Xue wrote it.

He impatiently took out the letter, which was three pages in total. He read the letter at a glance and ten lines, looking angry, more annoyed and remorseful.

He didn't expect that what he thought was the truth was not the truth.

He was the one who blamed his mother!

"What did you do to my mother?"

Zhu Zi grabbed Yu Wenfeng's neck, her eyes were blood red, as if she wanted to kill someone.

But Yu Wenfeng kept his mouth shut and refused to tell Ning Xue's whereabouts.

Ye Qingqing had a flash of light and shouted, "I know where your mother is!"

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