Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1018: too much power

Ye Qingqing roughly calculated that after Ye Yuanhao left Pingjiang, the five people disappeared one after another, and it is very likely that the disappearance will continue, and Ye Yuanhao was not in Pingjiang, so the police would not suspect him at all.

If it was really Ye Yuanhao's revenge, he would definitely not let any of the twenty men go.

Ye Qingqing wanted to ask more, but Lu Mo was there, she couldn't ask some things, lest Lu Mo get suspicious.

At that time, she only said that she was looking at the scenery. What if she missed it?

She wants to be the pure and innocent little fairy in Lu Mo's heart!

Lu Mo had the same doubts as Ye Qingqing. He could see clearly from the beginning to the end that day, and of course he knew that Lu Qingquan had found twenty men, including Lu Qingquan, there should be twenty-one men.

"Is there anything new at the construction site?" Lu Mo gave Fang Yanming a large piece of spareribs.

Fang Yanming refused to come, and his mouth was full of oil, and he answered vaguely, "What new things can be done on the construction site... Those who want to make money work hard, and those who want to make money are just hanging around..."

"No, there's something really wrong. The construction site has been in a mess recently. A dozen people suddenly ran to the contractor to say no to the job. They didn't even pay their wages. They walked clean in a few days. They said they were going back to their hometown. ."

This is also what the informant said. Fang Yanming's informant is an intermediary and is well-known in Pingjiang. No matter what, he can definitely find a way to find this informant, and he usually does the most job of introduction.

Moving bricks, babysitters, cleaners, security guards, etc., are basically low-level jobs, and most of the service targets are those migrant workers who have entered the city.

The reason why the informant knew about the disappearance was because the construction site suddenly lost more than 20 strong labor force. The foreman was so anxious that his mouth was bubbling. , made a lot of complaints in front of the netizens, and said that he would go to the temple to burn incense and worship Buddha, and go to get rid of the mold!

Both Lu Mo and Ye Qingqing knew that the dozen or so who suddenly went back to their hometown must have realized that something was wrong, so they didn't even want their salary and went back to their hometown to take refuge!

Ye Yuanhao really dared to take Pingjiang as the back garden of their Ye family?

But there must be someone helping Ye Yuanhao.

Ye Yuanhao has no manpower in Pingjiang, and it is impossible to make five big living people disappear without knowing it. The people who help him are definitely very powerful in Pingjiang.

Except for Yu Wenfeng, there is no second candidate.

And the five missing persons probably all went to Yuwenfeng's laboratory and was used by him for experiments.

Ye Qingqing wanted to understand what happened, so she no longer cared about the disappearance case. She didn't care about the lives of those twenty men.

These 20 people are actually not good things. They can only be blamed for their greed, and they are not innocent.

Lu Mo frowned, feeling a little heavy, Yu Wenfeng's power was beyond his imagination.

When Hao Aihua had an accident, it was obvious that someone deliberately murdered him. Fang Yanming was entrusted by Lu Mo and wanted to investigate the case, but he was seriously warned by the authorities to do his job well and not meddle in other things he shouldn't.

Fang Yanming was young and vigorous and wanted to investigate privately, but was stopped by Lu Mo, he could not harm his friends.

He already knows who the murderer is. Since Yu Wenfeng is protected, he will take revenge in his own way. Although Yu Wenfeng's power is much stronger than him now, he will end this beast sooner or later!

"What are you looking for from me?" Fang Yanming was half full, so he was in the mood to get down to business.

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