Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1020: Let's go to Angela's school

Ye Qingqing was on the phone in the room. As soon as Fang Yanming left, she called the old lady to verify whether the backstage of Angel's school was really that big.

After chatting with the old lady for a while, Ye Qingqing asked about Gao Fei's background.

The old lady didn't know Gao Fei, but it happened that Sang Huaiyuan and his wife came to eat at home. When Xiaotong went to An Qier to go to school, Sun Qiuyun contacted her. She and Gao Fei had a little friendship.

"Your aunt said that Gao Fei is not from China, so I don't know exactly what he does, but he has a very good relationship with the Chinese government and enjoys eating well in Pingjiang." The old lady conveyed Sun Qiuyun's words.

"I heard people say today that Angel's school opened, and Gao Fei invited the people above to cut the ribbon. Is it true that even the mayor has to stand aside?" Ye Qingqing asked again.

The old lady was quite surprised. Angel's school has such a big background?

She pressed the speakerphone key, and Sang Huaiyuan and his wife heard it. Sun Qiuyun said with a smile, "I really don't know about this, but it's true that Gao Fei has a good relationship with the government, and the mayor has to show him some affection. Woolen cloth!"

"Do you know Huaiyuan?" the old lady asked.

Sang Huaiyuan smiled and said, "Mr. Gao is indeed very mysterious, and I don't know the specifics, but what Qingqing said should be true."

When Angel's school opened, he hadn't been transferred to the city government, and he had never dealt with Gao Fei later. He only knew that this foreigner was very close to the government and had great face.

"Why did Qingqing suddenly find out about this? Did something happen?" Sang Huaiyuan was curious.

"It's nothing. I was surprised when I heard about it today, so I asked about it. Uncle and auntie, you have dinner, I'm hanging up."

Ye Qingqing is sure that what Fang Yanming said should be true, and Gao Fei really has a lot of backgrounds, which is really good news!

"Tomorrow your grandma will be discharged from the hospital, Qingqing, go home for dinner!" The old lady urged.

"Well, I will come."

Ye Qingqing didn't really want to eat. Last time, she educated Gu Nianci, and she didn't go to the hospital after that. She felt a little guilty. After all, Gu Nianci was an elder, and she was a junior who made unkind words. She also educated the elders. I know, I will definitely tell her.

If it weren't for the confirmation of Gao Fei's matter, she would not have called.

The old lady is very mature, and she could feel the girl's guilty conscience through the phone, so she couldn't help laughing.

She already knew what happened last time, Gu Nianci told her, of course it wasn't a but Gu Nianci didn't know what she did wrong, which made her granddaughter angry, the old lady heard her say what happened , and gave this confused cousin a lesson.

The old lady was trained more severely, and she directly said that she had lived in vain for most of her life, and it was not as good as a little girl who understood that her mind was full of shit, and she directly taught Gu Nianci to cry.

"Qingqing, don't blame your grandma, she's been confused all her life, I'm afraid she can't change it, but she has a good heart. As long as we take care of it, we shouldn't be confused again." The old lady persuaded.

"Well, I see, I won't tell her anything in the future." Ye Qingqing sighed.

Her grandmother, alas... is really troublesome.

I just hope she doesn't get confused again in the future!

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qingqing smiled at Lu Mo: "Brother Fang is telling the truth, Gao Fei does have someone on it, why don't you send Yadan and Wuchen to An Qi'er to go to school?"

Although sending the two normal children to a special school is a bit of a nuisance, safety is the most important thing at the juncture of life and death. After Yuwen Feng is eliminated, let them go to a normal school.

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