Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1071: All dead

Tang Yufen's miserable sale is very effective. An old lady who has just lost her beloved grandson, she still managed to hold on to her illness. She held a press conference to explain that even if her vows some time ago were slapped in the face, it was not Tang Yufen's. Wrong!

The old lady Tang said that Ye Yuanhao lied, and Tang Yufen believed in her grandson, so she made the poisonous oath of premature death in public.

Most of the people in HK are convinced of this. Chinese people believe in fate, especially the elderly, and they are even more taboo about the unlucky words such as death and longevity. I am afraid that no old man will curse himself for shortevity, right?

It's not that she's impatient anymore, and Tang Yufen lives a rich life, she can't spend enough money, she has a lot of children and grandchildren, I'm afraid she can't live long!

Although some people have raised doubts, as long as they speak out, they will be scolded.

"Everyone has a dead grandson, and you still say that, do you have any conscience?"

"That's right, my grandson is dead, how can I lie?"


Tang Yufen cleverly took advantage of Ye Yuanhao's death to turn the tide. Firmenich's performance not only did not fall, but instead rebounded somewhat. As expected of a veteran who has been in charge of Firmenich for decades, his methods are quite old-fashioned.

Ye Yuanxiu admires his grandmother. Grandma's crisis public relations ability is second to none even in HK.

Tang Yufen settled the company, and only then had time to be sad. The entire Ye family was immersed in sadness, especially Ye Yuanhao's mother, who had passed out several times and could not be loved.

There is only one son, Ye Yuanhao, in the second room of the Ye family. Once Ye Yuanhao died, the second room would be destroyed.

"I'm going to Pingjiang and bring Yuanhao home." Tang Yufen made a decision.

After more than 40 years, it is time to go back and have a look.

Ye Xunmei nodded, "I'll accompany you!"

I don't know if I can meet Gu Nianci.

And their son Mingcheng?

Alas, he was the one who lost their mother and son!

Tang Yufen sneered silently, and could see through the thoughts of the people beside her, but she didn't care at all. In fact, she and Ye Xunmei were only in a cooperative relationship. The people she loved didn't love her, and only Ye Xunmei was the most suitable at that time. one's business Patner.

Even if there is no Ye Xunmei, there will be Zhang Xunmei and Li Xunmei.

At this time, only two days have passed since Ye Yuanhao's sudden death.

The old lady also saw the newspaper, and Gu Nianci showed it to her. Gu Nianci looked very panicked.

"What are you It's better to die, Tang Yufen's descendants had better be dead, huh, dying at the door of the hotel, it's still that kind of filth, Tang Yufen has done all the evil things before giving birth to such descendants! "

The old lady reprimanded Gu Nianci for a meal, looked at Ye Yuanhao's death in the newspaper, was in a good mood, and drank half a bowl of porridge.

The same people who saw the newspaper were Sang Huaiyuan and the others in Bay Island.

Ye Yuanhao's death also caused quite a stir in Wandao. After all, it's the 1990s. Even in HK and Wandao, there are not too many people with AIDS, not to mention a wealthy family like Ye Yuanhao. Son, it's even more strange.

The Ye family had just been in ups and downs, and within two weeks, Ye Yuanhao died. The people were really eye-opening and chatted enthusiastically about the Ye family's gossip.

"Look at it, the Ye family definitely has AIDS. Maybe it won't be long before the six brothers of the Ye family are dead!"

God-like prophets, swear to prophesy, others are dubious.

. m.

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