Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1095: Salary from the bottom of the pot

Every dish that Daddy Tang cooks is so delicious, all of them are full of stomachs, but their mouths still want to eat them.

"It's dead, it's almost up to the throat, it must be heavy again." Ye Qingqing called from the back of the chair, her hand touching her stomach, which was bulging like a ball.

"Look at how thin you are. It's good to gain a few kilograms. I will eat here often in the future, and let your Uncle Tang make you fatter. A girl's family will be lucky if you have meat." The old lady looked at Ye Qingqing lovingly.

She felt that Ye Qingqing was too thin, a little stronger than skinny, but if she had more flesh, it would be perfect.

The old lady really can't understand why some young girls nowadays want to lose weight. They are obviously not fat at all.

She didn't think she was beautiful at all, she was so thin that she collapsed when the wind blew, and she couldn't give birth to a child without a chest or butt. In the future, if her grandson went home with such a grandson-in-law, she would be the first to object.

Lu Mo agreed with the old lady's words. He also felt that Ye Qingqing was too thin. Of course, he couldn't be too fat. It was just like the glutinous rice **** in the past. Now the glutinous rice **** are just fine. They are not fat or thin, and they are very healthy. .

"Qingqing can still gain another ten pounds, that's just right."

There is also the heartbroken Ye Mingcheng who has the same idea. He envies Daddy Tang's good cooking skills, but unfortunately he has no talent in the kitchen at all. Ordinary home-cooked dishes like shredded pork with green peppers still taste like dust-free ones.

Ye Qingqing couldn't help rolling her eyes. She is now 168 in height and 110 in weight. Still thin?

Those female stars who look like paper people are only 100 jins at 170cm tall. She's become a fat pig.

In the eyes of Ye Mingcheng and the old lady, even if she really eats a fat pig, they will still feel too thin and have to gain another ten pounds.

After everyone finished drinking the Xiaoshi soup, they left Baiweiju. Although it was almost seven o’clock, there was still an endless stream of guests in the lobby of Baiweiju. Still reluctant to leave, would rather wait for other guests to eat well.

On the other hand, the opposite Wuwei Building is deserted, the door is closed, no guests come to the door, the waiter leaves work early, the first floor is dark, and the second floor is dimly lit.

Ye Qingqing asked Tang Yuanyuan in a low voice, "Have you seen Wen Sumei in prison? How is she?"

"I didn't go, my dad went to see it. It's not good. That woman still has the face to ask my dad to help take care of Yu Moli and Yu Changbai. Hmph... I scolded my dad." Tang Yuanyuan said angrily.

That **** made her and her father so She wouldn't shed a single tear when she died. Dad actually went to prison to visit the bitch, and he secretly went there without her. , jumped up and down with anger, and scolded Dad Tang with a **** head.

"Your father is like my confused grandmother, his brain is a little unclear. You will have to watch it in the future. Wen Sumei will come out in a few years. Yes, you are finished!"

Ye Qingqing couldn't help but flatten his mouth. No wonder Gu Nianci and Dad Tang could talk about it together.

Tang Yuanyuan looked nervous, "I can't stare at my dad every day, can I?"

Ye Qingqing quickly came up with the idea, "Let's take a trick to draw the bottom line, you have to take charge of the family's financial power, real estate and deposits, and Baiweiju, all write your name, and give Dad a thousand yuan every month. What's your father's love?"

"I'm in charge of Baiweiju and real estate deposits, but my dad can withdraw it with money if he wants. I'll change the password so he can't withdraw the money, hum!" Tang Yuanyuan gritted her teeth.

. m.

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