Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1098: kidnapping

Yu Wuwei's heart sank, wondering, "Ye Qingqing looks bad when she sees me, and she definitely won't be fooled."

Although he hated Ye Qingqing very much, he still didn't dare to do anything illegal, and he always felt that Ye Qingqing's girl was a bit evil and could not be provoked.

Tang Yufen sneered, "Then it depends on Boss Yu's ability, Ye Qingqing and your stepdaughter Tang Yuanyuan have a deep relationship, you can make good use of this, I will see the results in three days, otherwise I will withdraw at any time. "

She gave out so much money, could it be that she was playing with this stupid guy?

If she wants to fight with Sheng Xinlan, there are so many restaurants in Pingjiang, she can just support a family, how can she find a poor and down-to-earth poor man?

Tang Yufen was interested in the relationship between Yu Wuwei and Tang Yuanyuan. Ye Qingqing's little **** was too deceiving. She had to teach this dead girl a good lesson, and let Sheng Xinlan have a taste of the pain in her heart!

Yu Wuwei hurriedly apologized, "Don't be angry, Madam Tang, let me think about it for a few days."

"Three days, if you can't do it, I'll find someone else. In this day and age, are you afraid that you won't be able to hire someone if you have money!" Tang Yufen's tone couldn't be refused. She didn't want to wait for one more day. Seeing Sheng Xinlan's grief-stricken appearance.

"No, it's just three days, I'll call you when I arrange it."

Yu Wuwei's scalp tightened and he was worried that Tang Yufen would really withdraw his capital.

"I'm waiting for good news from Boss Yu."

Tang Yufen smiled with satisfaction, money can make a ghost run the mill, and a dead girl who doesn't know her proportions can fall from heaven to hell, and she doesn't have to take any responsibility.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Yuanxiu asked curiously, "Grandma, why did you deal with a little girl Ye Qingqing first?"

Shouldn't he deal with the old temptress Sheng Xinlan?

He couldn't understand his grandmother's mind more and more.

Tang Yufen's expression was gloomy and there was murder in her voice, "Sheng Xinlan killed Yuan Hao and destroyed Susu, and I will also destroy her granddaughter.

If the niece of the dignified deputy mayor of Pingjiang was found sold to the women's branch and became a prostitute who was beaten by thousands of people, or the lowest kind, the news would be explosive enough.

Of course she wouldn't let Ye Qingqing die too easily. Didn't this dead girl call her grandson a prostitute, then she would let this dead girl become a real prostitute, or the kind who didn't need to wear clothes from morning to night , There are many such kilns in HK, and they are all stupid girls who want to go to HK to make a lot of money.

Tang Yufen's expression became more and more gloomy. She would give the dead girl to the kiln for free. There was only one requirement. The little **** had to receive thirty guests every day and not leave for a day.

Let this little **** become a real bitch!

At that time, she will send this little **** back to Sheng Xinlan, but she will see if this old temptress will recognize her granddaughter as a prostitute, hum!

The expression on Tang Yufen's face was There was only coldness and ruthlessness in her eyes, Ye Yuanxiu only glanced at it, then lowered his head in fear, his back was a little cold.

To mess with his grandmother is the biggest sorrow of Ye Qingqing that little bitch!

For the next three days, there was a price war in Wuweilou, and there were fewer and fewer guests at Baiweiju. The dumplings were angry every day, and they wanted to go to the opposite side to smash the place.

What made Tang Yuanyuan even more angry was that she found that Daddy Tang had been secretly helping Yu Changbai's broken child, although she was not disgusted by this half-brother, but as long as she thought that Yu Changbai was born to Wen Sumei and Yu Wuweisheng, I felt disgusted in my heart.

"Sister, someone asked me to give this to you." A little boy walked into Baiweiju and handed a note to Tangyuanyuan. Ye Qingqing raised his head curiously.

"Yu Changbai is in my hands, I will collect 100,000 yuan within two hours, or I will tear up the ticket!"

The words on the note were crooked, obviously handwritten with the left, Tang Yuanyuan scoffed, crumpled the note, and was about to throw it into the trash, but he hesitated for a while.

. Sogou

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