Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1105: embarrassed

Yu Moli put all the responsibilities on Yu Wuwei. Anyway, now Yu Wuwei is not here, she can do whatever she wants, and she will lie to Ye Bitch first.

Ye Qingqing was not so easy to deceive. With a little force on her hand, Yu Moli felt a tingling pain, her heart trembled, and her eyes became even more fearful.

"Yu Wuwei asked you to cut Yu Changbai's fingers?"

Ye Qingqing thinks it's unlikely. Although Yu Wuwei is not a thing, and he doesn't care about his son, Ye Qingqing doesn't believe that he will use his own son's hand to lure the dumplings and deceive her.

No matter how vicious people are, they still have tenderness towards their own children, like Shen Yanhong, Wen Sumei, and Ye Zhiguo, they are all cruel and ruthless beasts towards others, but they are tender towards their children. They are definitely good fathers and mothers.

Although Yu Wuwei can't be called a good father, he is certainly not someone who can kiss his son's finger with ruthlessness.

Yu Moli shivered, lowered her eyes, and whispered, "Yes... it was told by my dad, I will listen to my dad."

In fact, Yu Wuwei only asked her to pretend to tie Yu Changbai, and then try to convince Tang Yuanyuan and Ye Qingqing that Yu Changbai was kidnapped and deceived him to Wuxing Farm. Ye Qingqing guessed right. Can't be ruthless.

But Yu Moli's heart is more poisonous than her parents. She has always hated Yu Changbai for stealing the favor that originally belonged to her, and she wanted to take revenge as soon as possible, causing both Tang Yuanyuan and Ye Qingqing to be unlucky, so she resorted to a ruthless move. Cut off my brother's finger.

This is how it is played in the movie. The kidnappers cut their fingers or half-pull their ears and gave them to the family members for blackmail. Every time, it was very effective.

Ye Qingqing saw her appearance and knew that this **** didn't tell the truth, the tip of the knife pressed down, and blood dripped out.

"Why did you lie to me and Tang Yuan Yuan? What about Yu Wuwei?"

"I...I don't know..."

Yu Moli shivered and did not dare to tell the truth. In fact, she knew the purpose of Yu Wuwei's planning of this kidnapping case. She overheard Yu Wuwei and Tang Yufen on the phone when she was on the phone.

That's why she is so eager for quick success, eagerly hoping that Ye Qingqing and the others will be fooled, and that they will live a life that is worse than death.

"Don't say it? You don't need to keep your face..."

Ye Qingqing swiped down without hesitation, Yu Moli only felt a chill on her face, followed by severe pain, and then the sticky liquid flowed down the back of her ear and into her neck.

"It hurts... don't scratch... I said all..."

Yu Moli's spirit suddenly screamed hysterically and explained everything she knew.

"My dad teamed up with a man named Mrs. Tang and wanted to teach you a lesson, that's why..."

"That Mrs. Tang is the boss behind Yu Wuwei's money to reopen the restaurant?"

Ye Qingqing sneered secretly, no wonder Yu Wuwei suddenly had so much money, it turned out to be climbing Tang Yufen's big tree!

Yu Moli nodded honestly, and touched her **** face with her hand. Feeling in pain and fear, she begged, "Send me to the hospital, I said everything."

"That Mrs. Tang only asked you to lie to me here? What will you do after you come here?" Ye Qingqing didn't care about Yu Moli's life or death, it was just a small wound. Death would never die, but scars would definitely remain.

Yu Moli was in a hurry to go to the hospital, so she didn't dare to hide anything, "Mrs. Tang didn't say anything, she just said that there will be someone to answer here, Dad doesn't need to worry about it."

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