Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1149: each has its own merits

Half an hour later, the tidy Ye Xunmei came to Tang Yufen's room, without Tang Yufen greeting, Gu Zi sat on the sofa, leaning slightly, looking very relaxed.

"Have you figured it out?"

Ye Xunmei was very surprised. In fact, as early as 20 years ago, he and Tang Yufen filed for divorce, but Tang Yufen did not agree, and even threatened the company's equity. At that time, Ye Xunmei didn't have much money, and she pointed at the company. Point to the red wave, have to compromise.

However, although the marriage has not been divorced, he and Tang Yufen have already separated from each other, and they have not even slept in the same bed. They have been separated for 20 years.

In fact, even if Tang Yufen did not agree to the divorce, Ye Xunmei also planned to dissolve this wrong marriage. He and Tang Yufen had been separated for 20 years and had already divorced in fact, as long as he provided relevant evidence to the court.

As for the equity in Firmenich, Ye Xunmei really doesn't like it now. He even returned Gu Nianci's box of priceless jewelry. How could he be greedy for the shares of a company that was about to go bankrupt?

Ye Xunmei's plan was to settle other romantic debts and finally settle Tang Yufen. Since Tang Yufen proposed it herself, Ye Xunmei certainly would not object.

Tang Yufen sneered, her face deliberately showing some sadness, and complained, "You have already been ruthless to me, what's the use of me still occupying Mrs. Ye's name."

Ye Xunmei looked at her vigilantly, "Don't act in front of me, you are the one who is ruthless and ruthless. The one you like has always been Sang Juemin, I'm just a **** you use."

It was 20 years ago that he accidentally learned the secret in Tang Yufen's heart, knowing that this woman had never liked him, and that there was another man in her heart, which made Ye Xunmei feel a great shame.

That's why Ye Xunmei filed for divorce, and he didn't want to live with a woman who didn't love him.

Moreover, Tang Yufen was sinister and vicious, like a poisonous snake. Ye Xunmei just wanted to stay far away, otherwise she would bite him one day and she would die.

Tang Yufen laughed at herself, "Whatever you think, a couple of one day for a hundred days, you and I have been husband and wife for decades, how could there be no relationship at all, I have been doing my duty all these years, but you are romantic outside. Cool, who is sorry for whom?"

Ye Xunmei smiled disapprovingly, "You know my temper. In this life, I only love beautiful women. If you don't have a beautiful woman with you, you will not think about eating and drinking. I thought you were used to it for decades, but I didn't expect you to see it through."

He doesn't think there is anything wrong with his hobbies at He loves beauty, Tang Yufen loves money, each has its own advantages!

With a breath stuck in her heart, although Tang Yufen had seen through this man, she was still spitting blood because of his shameless anger. It was extremely shameless to find a lover so open and aboveboard.

Luckily she is free!

Tang Yufen didn't want to talk nonsense any more, so as not to be mad at herself, but before that, she had to figure out a thing that had puzzled her for decades.

"You didn't give me all the jewelry you got from Gu Nianci back then, did you?"

As Gu Nianci's personal maid, Tang Yufen knew very well how much jewelry Gu Nianci had. Although each piece was valuable, the most valuable one was the red sandalwood box. If you take any piece out of it, it is enough for ordinary people. It's been a lifetime.

But back then, Ye Xunmei only gave her three thousand oceans and a box of ordinary jewelry. Although it was also very valuable, it was far worse than the one made of red sandalwood.

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