Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1232: Everyone gets what they get

Ye Qingqing spread out the water pipe, and sure enough, found a blue plastic bag inside, with more than one layer, tied tightly and hidden in the water pipe.

Ruan Yingzi picked up the plastic bag, removed the dozen or so rubber bands that were tied, and opened several layers of the bag, finally revealing the contents inside.

Ye Qingqing smiled, she was right.

Inside the plastic bag was the 5,300 yuan that Ruan Yingzi had lost.

"Let's go!"

Ye Qingqing said a word and walked out with Ruan Yingzi. Outside Lu Ziqun and the others were impatiently waiting. Seeing Ye Qingqing and the two of them, they were instantly refreshed and stared at the money in Ruan Yingzi's hand. .

"Really found it? See how Sun Yurong is arguing now." Lu Ziqun was the most excited, his eyes were shining.

Seeing that the other students had found the money, they all shook their heads, and became more and more contemptuous of Sun Yurong.

The other classmates who had showered looked strange, so they asked someone they knew to inquire, so... Sun Yurong, who was in the second class of the clinical major, stole money, and it spread all over the place.

The male classmates thought it was incredible. After all, in their hearts, Sun Yurong was still a very beautiful scenery. She was good-looking, well-dressed, and soft-spoken, which was in line with most men's aesthetics for women.

In their hearts, Sun Yurong was just like the little fairy, but now... the little fairy fell from the sky in an instant and fell into the cesspool.

Simply unacceptable.

Some male classmates even thought that Sun Yurong might have been wronged, and suggested Ye Qingqing and the others to check it out.

Ye Qingqing didn't want to pay any attention to these people at all. She went straight back to the dormitory, and the other classmates followed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Qian Manduo stood up straight, staring at Sun Yurong without blinking, his face expressionless.

The stinky girls stole the money themselves and wanted to frame her head, which is shameless.

Sun Yurong's expression was fairly calm, but her hands were tightly curled, her palms were sweaty, her heart was beating very fast, and she was uneasy.

It's been so long, Ye Qingqing and the others shouldn't find the money, right?

Sun Yurong comforted herself secretly, but her heart was still in her throat, hoping that it was just a false alarm and Ye Qingqing could not find the money she hid.

After the limelight passed, she went to get the money and buy another mobile phone. Sun Yurong's abacus was very good. However, the plans could not keep up with the changes, and the plans were all disrupted.

Ye Qingqing led the people in, Sun Yurong looked at it subconsciously, Ye Qingqing's hand was empty, she couldn't help but feel happy, but seeing the familiar plastic bag in Ruan Yingzi's hand, her heart suddenly sank to the bottom, cold sweat poured out .

what to do?

Ruan Yingzi threw the money on the looked at Sun Yurong coldly, and said mockingly, "You have all the money, you still want to deny it?"

Sun Yurong's forehead was covered in cold sweat, flustered, and subconsciously said: "What if you find the money, who saw that I put it? Maybe someone else put it!"

Everyone couldn't help frowning, they didn't expect Sun Yurong to be so rascal.

Ye Qingqing stopped Ruan Yingzi, who was about to get angry, and sneered: "You really don't cry without seeing the coffin, it doesn't matter if you don't admit it, there must be thieves' fingerprints on the plastic bag, go back and ask the police to take them back, and check them out! "

Sun Yurong had more cold sweat on her forehead, and her expression became more and more flustered. Anyone with discernment could see that she was guilty of being a thief.

"I have said before that there are two paths to choose from. If you want to go to jail, I will definitely not stop you!"

Ye Qingqing's words broke Sun Yurong's last straw, and her spirit collapsed.

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