Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1247: ice skin

Zhu Zi, this poisonous person, acts in a lawless manner, and the means of poisoning are very clever. If he really wants to kill someone, it is only a matter of thought.

But even if the police can't find out, it's not the reason for Zhu Zi to harm people. Those nymphos are really annoying, but they are not guilty of death. Besides, they have contributed so much to the clinic!

After killing these **** women, where will the clinic make money?

Although Zhu Zi was fearless and disdainful of Ye Qingqing, Tiantian was what he cared about the most. Every time Ye Qingqing brought up Tiantian, Zhu Zi would definitely give in and try a hundred spirits.

With a super invincible white eye, Zhu Zi still restrained her impatience, and the **** women outside escaped.

Ye Qingqing also breathed a sigh of relief, but she still secretly chatted with Tiantian, and asked Xiaotiantian to remind Zhu Zi from time to time. The effect was quite good. .

In mid-November, Ye Qingqing finally succeeded in researching her ice cream.

Tang Yuan Yuan's skin was as good as a baby's, it could be broken by blowing a bullet, and even a pore was not visible, and her beauty had naturally improved by several levels.

Ruan Yingzi tried it for a month, and the effect was also very good. Ignoring her strong biceps, she only looked at the girl's face, which was really more delicate than a Barbie doll.

In addition to these two people, Ye Qingqing has also tried it on Zhao Di, Sun Qiuyun, and Lin Shufang. Although the effect is not as obvious as Tang Yuanyuan, the fine lines on the corners of the eyes and the spots on the face are obviously less, and at least they look younger. several years old.

The reason why the effect is so good is because Ye Qingqing uses all good medicinal materials. The most important thing is that she added spirit dew and the vine leaves transplanted in the cave of Tiedan's house. Although the amount added is small, it can be added to Not adding the effect is much worse.

Ye Qingqing doesn't need it herself. She is practicing the exercises, which has the effect of nourishing the skin. Even if she doesn't take care of it every day, she is still naturally beautiful.

Although Bingji Xuefu Cream has been successful, it still needs to be reviewed by the Food and Drug Administration if it is to be put into production. Even if He Weishao moves around, it will take at least several months.

Ye Qingqing thought about giving it to Miao Tianxiang in advance, and wanted to ask Meng Huishan to bring it there, but Miao Tianxiang and Ye Xunmei, the old and unruly couple, came to Pingjiang again.

As soon as Miao Tianxiang came, she called Ye Qingqing and asked her to go to the hotel to play, saying that she brought her a gift, but Ye Qingqing's generosity was In addition, she wanted to give a gift. After class, I went to Jinjiang Hotel. Every time Miao Tianxiang came to Pingjiang, she would stay in this hotel.

Ye Qingqing called a taxi herself, and when she saw the entrance of the hotel, before she got out of the car, she actually saw Dong Siyue walking with a middle-aged man in his fifties, arm in arm, looking very close.

"Wait a moment."

Ye Qingqing didn't get out of the car in a hurry, and asked the driver to stop. After Dong Siyue and the man got into the elevator, she got out of the car and was very puzzled.

Because she had seen the middle-aged man, Lu Mo had mentioned this man to her two days ago, and HK sent a delegation to inspect the Pingjiang market in the past few days.

Sang Huaiyuan was in charge of the reception, and Lu Mo was also in the reception group. This matter was even published in the newspaper, Ye Qingqing read the newspaper, and the picture of this middle-aged man was on the newspaper.

Lu Mo talked to her. The man was from the HK Li family. Although the Li family was not a top rich family, the local rich family was definitely higher than the Ye family.

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