Rebirth 90s: Hot Wife Flirting

Chapter 1264: tangled existence

Ye Qingqing was startled and her face changed.

Even if the handle of a toothbrush is sharpened, it is not as sharp as a dagger. How much courage does it take to pierce the carotid artery!

Dong Siyue laughed sarcastically, "Don't you understand, my mother has the courage to kill herself, so why doesn't she have the courage to live? Why does she feel at ease to leave me alone in this world to suffer... "

Ye Qingqing didn't know what to say to comfort her, so she had to be silent.

Dong Siyue didn't need comfort either, she just wanted to talk, and she felt better when she said it.

"Li Hongming helped me bury my mother, took me away from my hometown, settled me in a southern city, and provided me to go to school. He was very good to me. To be honest, the years I followed him were The happiest time of my life..."

Dong Siyue laughed self-deprecatingly, drank the wine in the glass, her face was red enough to bleed, but her eyes were bright like diamonds, she poured herself another glass of wine, a pound of soju, only half of it was left. bottle.

"Who is the man who started school?" Ye Qingqing asked.

"Li Hongming's secretary, he has been arranging my life for the past few years, supervising me by the way, and reporting my whereabouts to Li Hongming at any time." Dong Siyue laughed mockingly.

"He is monitoring you?" Ye Qingqing frowned.

Dong Siyue shook her head, "It's not surveillance, it just doesn't feel safe, Li Hongming is always worried that I will leave him, so he sends people to watch me, but he feels sorry for me, and is in conflict and entanglement every day. ."

"It seems that Li Hongming is in love with you." Ye Qingqing affirmed.

Only love can make a successful man in extreme incompleteness, feeling lost and uneasy.

Dong Siyue smiled, "Maybe, but the two of us have no results. Maybe we will separate at some point."

"But I heard... Mrs. Li seems to know of your existence, and she acquiesced." Ye Qingqing said.

She is actually very entangled now. It is definitely not good to be a junior, there is no doubt about it.

But Dong Siyue's situation was indeed very special. Under the circumstances at that time, Dong Siyue had no choice but to follow Li Hongming. It was better to die than to live. Besides, Dong Siyue was still a flowery girl at that time, and she definitely didn't want to die.

Just like Miao Tianxiang back then, she had no choice but to be the lover of the gambling king, otherwise she would have to wait to die in a dirty kiln.

If it were her, in Dong Siyue's situation, maybe she would make the same choice as Dong Siyue.

No matter what, living is the most important thing.

Dong Siyue sneered and sneered, "Mrs. Li did know of my existence, but she didn't agree at first, and quarreled with Li Hongming for a long time, but Li Hongming's daughter persuaded her to accept the reality instead of letting her go. If Li Hongming is looking for someone who is restless, why don't he find someone like me!"

"As Mrs. Li, it is reasonable for her to be troubled. After all, your existence does threaten her status." Ye Qingqing said truthfully.

Dong Siyue nodded, "I know, I don't care about affection or reason, but I really didn't plan to argue with Mrs. Li. I made an agreement with Li Hongming. As long as Mrs. Li recovers, I will leave him. ."

"Mr. Li agrees?"

"He didn't agree, but I've already made up my mind." Dong Siyue's expression was firm, she would not let herself be a junior for the rest of her life.

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